Tutoring in year 3 for 11+

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Tutoring in year 3 for 11+

Postby magnolias » Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:40 pm

My lovely Saturday supper with friends literally turned to indigestion half way through the evening when the conversation took a turn to schools.

One friend with two children, in same years as mine - last term of reception and last term of year 3 - is tuturing the older one once a week so that she will hit the ground running when it comes to the 11+. I am not joking when she (the mum) said she won't be able to take the stress if she leaves it until the last minute.

Both of her children are in a good local school and I would have thought that her daughter should be enjoying clubs and playdates as opposed to preparing for exams.

My question is this: is she the exception as a parent or am I drifting along in ignorance whilst everyone gets ahead?

Am I going to find every other child going for JAGS or Alleyns has been hothoused for years and my daughter who I think has been having a lovely time being a child won't stand a chance?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being a bit competitive but year 3, its just seems so YOUNG.

Please reassure me that she's the exception.
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Re: Tutoring in year 3 for 11+

Postby Danijeanne2502 » Tue May 03, 2022 6:46 am

I’m afraid it definitley isn’t the exception. We had similar when my son was at the end of Year 3. Quite a few of them were being tutored so young and had booked in one of the favoured tutors to get their slot. We didn’t actually find this out until much later but I was so shocked. I really think kids should be allowed to be kids and it is so young, looking back now you realise how young they were then. Private school wasn’t on the cards for us however and we have since moved out of London. So I do understand the stress if you know that everyone is tutoring to get into a private school and feeling you need to keep up in order to get a place.. it just seems so sad for the little ones :(
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Re: Tutoring in year 3 for 11+

Postby Flambeau » Tue May 03, 2022 6:55 am


I think you will find that most parents have started exploring options and identifying which tuition style would suit their family/life. Small group, 1:1, online etc,

Also, bear in mind that good tutors/ service providers get booked up very quickly and they may not have capacity or be available when you want them in year 4/5.

It’s a long term relationship, so it takes a while to find the right “one” and for tutor to assess and workout where strengths and weakness are. And then to develop the child to a foundational standard to build upon for the 11+. Some entrance exams require non-verbal reasoning, verbal reasoning, English and Maths. Possibly an interview too. It’s A LOT of new skills to acquire that are not taught a grant maintained primary schools.

It’s a lot of consistent hard work, with the right support (which ever option you decide) that can be made easier for all involved by NOT hot housing.

Given that children have had disruption to their education for the past 2 years, it makes sense to start exploring options and if needed start slowly and build.

Remember the exams are the start of year 6, in September/ October. So that parents have a good idea of what schools they can apply to if looking at grammar/ selective schools.

Children have to know, be secure and apply up to and including year 6 curriculum topics (and sometimes year 7 depending on the school)in exams, before they have actually really started year 6 and learnt them in school.

So in reality, as a parent, your child has school years 3, 4 and 5 to learn and be comfortable with year 4, 5, 6 and sometime year 7 curriculum.

A steady consistent approach is smart. To prevent a stressed out household.

Most parents won’t be as forthcoming as your friend and tell you that they have started some tuition in what ever form that may take.
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Hyde Tutoring
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Re: Tutoring in year 3 for 11+

Postby Hyde Tutoring » Mon May 09, 2022 11:22 am


I run a local tutoring agency, Hyde Tutoring.

My view is that year 4 is a good time to start: it will not be too rushed and it allows enough time to cover everything thoroughly and to ensure you give them the very best shot.

You do not need to start in year 3. However, If a family wants to start preparations for 11+ in year 3 to reduce the stress, then my suggestion would be to start gently- if someone was using our services I would suggest starting with group classes, rather than 1:1 as it is a more gentle way to start, ensuring they have a thorough understanding of the curriculum and also getting them used to tutoring. 

Best of luck with your daughter's 11+ preparations.

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