It’s quite ridiculous to try to turn this discussion into cars vs cyclists simplistic view where
Cars are automatically bad and cyclists are good .
We can’t function as a society without cars as it stands so deal with it.
On a practical level, older people are young families are automatically OUT when it comes to bicycles as a practical safe realistic transport solution.
Or have you seen anyone with their baby and toddler on their backs doing a weekly shop in a bike ?!
Weather is an issue too.
And then when you have excluded the old, young, people who can’t cycle due to health reasons, people who can’t store or afford a bit or keep getting it stolen etc then you need to find people with a risk appetite to actually dare to cycle on London roads.
My point is - stop hating on cars and trying to simultaneously excuse everything cyclists do.
Cars are here to stay.
Think cyclists don’t kill ?!
They do , obviously less so, but still do!!
I also have a friend who was badly injured on a bike by a courier on a bike.
Also, for reference Re death caused by cyclists .. ... 287441?amp