I sent in an application on 10 June for my daughter to start at our local nursery. It is impossible to live closer than we do, so I was sure she would get a place.
We did a tour the next week and I asked if there was anything else I needed to do or if I needed to follow up. They said no. She was likely to get a place in October.
In September I emailed them to ask if she had a place (as I hadn't heard from them). No reply. In the meantime, there is a huge banner outside saying "Nursery places available".
I called them today and they had a quick chat with the headmistress and suddenly there is place for her starting 1 November. No mention of her application or any waiting list.
I know it's silly to be upset because they have offered her a place. But I feel like they 1) just forgot about her application until I called today and 2) she's missed out starting earlier because I am not a pushy mum who called them 100 times about her application. I am not naturally pushy and quite like following the rules and I guess I am also upset that they don't seem to be following their own application criteria.
Do you just have to be pushy to get your child a nursery place and not have them forgotten about? Is there anyway I can complain about this?
Also please tell me that getting a primary school place is better organised.
Thank you for reading.