Best product to get rid of moths?

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Bravo Charlie
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Best product to get rid of moths?

Postby Bravo Charlie » Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:43 pm

Not sure if our building work has agitated the issue but we seem to have a lot of holes in jumpers which I am assuming is moths?. What is the best product to get rid of them? Do lavender sachets work or is there something better?
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Re: Best product to get rid of moths?

Postby Wandsworth_lass » Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:09 am

Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this, we had them in an old house and found the best things to treat them was:
- hoovering around everywhere thoroughly and wiping down all skirting boards with bleach
- using the handy little sticky pads from Amazon and put them everywhere. In cupboards, on cupboards, around each room and they catch the moths. **search sticky pad moth traps on Amazon as it won’t let me post the link
- using one of these smoke bombs in each room **search moth killer smoke bombs as it won’t let me post the link
- keeping spraying around carpets etc regularly using something like the Pest Expert spray, until the sticky pads get filled up and less moths are seen
I’m sure the pads catch the males (maybe!) which means they don’t continue to breed and the pads are completely harmless to humans.
If they’re in clothing - drawers / cupboards etc the recommendation is to wash the clothes at a high heat or freeze them to kill of any eggs. Once you’ve done this maybe put them into sealed vacuum bags until the problem is under control, that way you can eliminate spaces one by one and hopefully save some of your clothes. They’re such a pain!
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Re: Best product to get rid of moths?

Postby Nappyvalley12345 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:39 pm

We had the same issue a few months back and were sad to say goodbye to some of our clothes.

We used the Acana range (sold at John Lewis/amazon) and would highly recommend. We used the spray alongside the drawer sachets and hanging wardrobe fresheners. Good luck!
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Re: Best product to get rid of moths?

Postby Timedbooks » Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:16 am

I used to sell clothes moth traps so have had many conversations about how to reduce the risk of damage to wool items.  

When freezing items they need to be done for 2 weeks, any less won't kill the eggs.  Some people put their favourite wool items into the freezer for the summer when the moths are most prevalent.  I also put woolen items into zipped plastic bags along with moth deterrents.    The chances of getting rid of all the moths and eggs is small especially as the eggs are tiny and can lay dormant for some time.  Do check for moth damage to carpets and rugs in dark undisturbed areas such as under beds, sofas and feet of table as if bad may need to replace the carpet to prevent it spreading.  This time of year, unless your heating is high, there will be little signs of moths flying around.  
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Re: Best product to get rid of moths?

Postby cantcomplain » Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:44 am

The best thing I have used (after first trying the smoke bombs and sprays several times - hideous and toxic process) is completely non invasive parasitic trichogramma wasps. They are microscopically small (about 1mm) and lay their eggs inside the moth eggs. When the wasp larvae hatches (I think) it eats the moth larvae.
When the moths have all gone, the wasps die out - not that you even knew they were there.
It's an expensive process to commit to if you have a large house but there's no poison or toxins involved, you still use the pheromone cards to monitor and several rounds of the wasps keeps the moths under control. I had an a bad infestation of moths a few years ago but after a couple of years of moths every month in the summer, I am almost (almost!) moth-free.

The National Trust have been using them in their historic buildings ... sect-pests

Here's the company I use - might be best calling them to see if it's worth introducing wasps now given that the moths go a bit quiet in winter (though I suppose the larvae are still munching their way through your woollens all year round). ... d09c&_ss=r
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