If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

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If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby ladygaga » Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:34 pm

Hoping that I can ask for some honest advice. I am fairly confident that we will get a place for our daughter at Honeywell but as we hear more of the increased pressure on places my husband wants us to look into the private options as well. This isn't something that I had expected us to be doing at this stage. Can I ask, if you had a place at Honeywell would you spend the money on a private school and secondly how easy is it to move into a private school when they are say 8 or 9? Thanks.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby Expatacular » Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:36 pm

We had a place at Honeywell and we chose a private school instead. Many people do, for all sorts of reasons. For what it's worth, Honeywell has recently been downgraded by Ofsted, which may not be a reflection of a difference in the experience of the students, but I would not be surprised if that makes it a bit easier to get a spot at Honeywell in the next year or two. I would guess that some families will put a different "Outstanding" local primary in their 1st place instead.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby Lepresidente » Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:04 pm

As a new parent at Honeywell , the downgrade was unexpected but it was only the junior school not infant (reception ) . Unlike others it is spilt and the infant remains outstanding. We had a place at A
a Private school but so glad we chose State as she’s happy as anything and doing so well, and so many friends including friends at private school. You do need to supplement to state school some specific areas but that is easy. ’Some small advice you can afford private school but if you have to make life changes then don’t worry as waste of money tbh.you change easily transfer late on
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby Justasec » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:47 am

Hard to answer without knowing what sacrifices if any you would need to move to do this.

When you crunch the data a private education only gives a moderate advantage and you would be better to invest in a house for your child.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby loveithere » Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:32 am

No, I wouldn't and I didn't. Once I visited Honeywell I knew that's where our children would thrive and make nice childhood memories. At the beginning of the year we declined a place at the only local Prep that we actually considered and I'm so glad we did as our child is always excited to go to school. I completely understand why people make sacrifices to send their kids to private schools (and most of the time it's all about networking, not teachers/facility/clubs) but to be honest for me it only makes sense if your household makes £500k+/year, especially now with inflation going up everyday.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby wintersun » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:45 pm

Yes, I would and I did. You have to think long term. I have put two children through 11+ - one from state (Honeywell) and one from private. The difference was enormous. If you are planning to stay in the state system for the secondary education - I agree, not worth the money. If, however, you are planning to go private for senior schools - worth every penny. If you can afford it of course. Honeywell is nce enough and relaxed, the infant school is lovely, the junior school has really changed for the worse. So, if anything, I would look at Belleville and not Honeywell these days (and this is based on what I hear from parents there, not on the Ofsted report). Also, trust me - if you are planning 11+, the last two / three years of the junior school will not be relaxed. Quite the opposite - they are quite hellish and brutal on both the parents and the children. You will be dragging a tired child to tutors after school, trying to do extra work on weekends to catch up and prepare them. Some kids are happy to go along with it, some will fight you. Private prep schools will largely take over the stress of exam prep, plus they do work a year ahead compared to state schools so kids leave with better level of maths and English (this is not a legend and this is what tutoring is trying to bridge), plus all kids in prep schools will be going through it which makes it easier and more normal for them. I think my second child had a nicer childhood as these last two years of juinor schools were more enjoyable as I think there was less homework overall as a lot of hard things were done at school. Generally speaking, I found the teachers in our private prep much better, more committed and more experienced, including a number of specialist teachers state schools don't offer. The school had money for exciting art and DT materials while, at Honeywell, it was done in a very basic way (and I'm talking about older times when the school was actually great and outstanding!). I think you are very right to worry about decreasing funding and economic times which will see the state schools even more squeezed than they already are. Things will get worse before they get better. In addition, I wouldn't estimate the value of smaller class sizes, ability streaming (which I believe Honeywell has now fazed out?) and more individual attention. So it all depends where you want your child to end up later. Things can definitely be achieved if you are at a state school but they are much harder and more stressful. Remember you have only one shot at it! Finally, a small matter but my younger child (who went through private prep) went to senior school with a lot of primary school friends, my older child didn't.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby wintersun » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:52 pm

and to answer your last question about moving at 8/9 - I think it depends on which school you would move them to but, generally speaking, they would have to sit exams / assessments as places at that stage are usually very limited and "occassional" so schools can take their pick and choose the best and brightest. (even the non-selective schools)
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby sw18mum22 » Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:07 pm

Such personal choices and there are indeed lots of good schools to choose from in our area. I'd suggest you visit a number of schools to get a feel for what is right for you and your child. If you haven't already got it on your list, I'd definitely recommend you visit Dolphin School on the Northcote Road. My two children are so happy there - it's a small school with a fantastic ethos, amazing community spirit, and offers an all-round excellent education (as the recent Inspection report shows!) Worth every penny for us.
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Re: If you can get into Honeywell would you spend the money on a private primary?

Postby SWtastic » Wed Nov 23, 2022 8:41 am

Please don't place too much emphasis on Ofsted downgrading schools.  80% of schools inspected that were previously Outstanding have been downgraded.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-63713880
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