Postby Anne123 » Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:51 am
Hi there,
I had an elective c-section at C&W under Nick Wales (he is private and also NHS) limited argument as given my age they were not inclined to advocate for natural. I have had friends argue that the supervised care under c-section (ie guaranteed consultants rather than random midwives) is better and also argue against the trauma of a natural childbirth to do c-sections on NHS.
I would suggest that if you can do c-section under NHS this is pretty similar to private (minus the extra scans - I went to harley street clinic for these (you get very few on the NHS) and the nicer consulting rooms (no fix here - I treated myself to a nice coffee at restaurant after consultation)). You can ask to pay for private room in Kensington wing for the post birth recovery if available. This significantly minimises the cost of the full package of private. While you would not necessarily get the same consultant for each meeting when you schedule them you can ask to match the schedules of one of them for continuity of care (they may object so ask your consultant and then you can say they suggested this) - I did this to save the random chatter of a new consultant every meeting - you do end up with random midwives though (some were great; some were truly not good.) I also privately was tested for Strep B (quite serious complications for newborns) which the NHS did not want to do (to be fair less likely to transmit during c-section rather than natural but it made me feel better).
Also if you have to go the full NHS route, you can self discharge after 24 hours and recover at home rather than shared rooms in general ward after the c-section (to minimise exposure to infections)).
Good luck.