Postby AHW » Mon May 22, 2023 5:34 pm
That is a funny extract.
As an aside -as the parent of a (first year) Cambridge student, I also find the implication from some of my friends who are privately educating, that my son just 'swanned in' because he's from a state school background, really offensive. He achieved 4 A stars in STEM subjects, had a tough entrance exam - and two rigorous interviews, with two professors/lecturers sitting in both....
20% of sixth form students are privately educated (against 7% across all age groups) and the stats show that about 19-22% of Oxbridge students admitted last year were from private school backgrounds - so perhaps the bias is about where it now should be, rather than the 40+% it has historically been. The fact remains that it is incredibly competitive to get in, there are far more (well qualified) applicants applying than there are places, and UK students now have to compete with foreign students as well as their UK peers. No-one gets a 'free pass' or gets to rely on the 'old school tie' any more.