Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

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tea tose
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Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby tea tose » Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:44 pm

Wondering if my expectations are unrealistic . I was enjoying coffee and cake with a friend on Saturday in Ole & Steen. 2 young men came in with a huge dog, I think it was some sort of Mastif. To put into context Its head was about 2 inches short of the counter top. It was one of the biggest dogs that I have ever seen and I am not exagerating.

To my horror, one of the young men took off its lead. It stayed pretty close to them whilst they were in the queue, and in fairness did return when called and for a time laid down.

There were toddlers in the coffee shop and I was terrified that one might go near it, on purpose or by accident. I am beyond horrified that a member of staff didn't ask them to put the lead on. Or that a huge dog like this doesn't need to have a lead on in an enclosed sociable space. Surely this is exactly the sort of thing that could cause a serious accident.

If there are any coffee shop owners or shop owners reading this please can you ask your staff to request that dogs are on leads. It is an accident waiting to happen.
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby MillyMace » Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:27 pm

I agree that all dogs should be on leads in cafes.

I go to Cafe Nero on Bellevue Rd and most days dogs are not on a lead, going round and sniffing at other people and licking the floors.

Also, not all owners are aware of the smell of their dog, especially if wet. A man sat at the table next to us with his dog the other week and I had to move table with my food and his dog smelt very bad - I presume the owner hasn’t washed their dog in a while.
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Up Town Girl
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Up Town Girl » Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:31 pm

I am with you one hundred percent. Should be on a lead and if not should be requested to put one or or asked to leave. So arrogant to have a dog like this off its lead and believe that you could control it if something went wrong.
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Red5 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:37 am

On the lead without a doubt, all dogs should be on leads in these establishments regardless of size. I don't think it's too much to ask. My Mum is allergic to dogs and finds cafes really hard these days, we tried three different cafes and they all had dogs in them! When she asked if they could be taken outside on the 3rd one, the owner said there's not much he could do as they are paying customers. She said they seem prioritise dogs over humans these days, maybe they should be have dog cafes.
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Birchtree » Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:04 am

I fully agree dog’s should be on leads in cafes - we have always kept our dog on a lead, and it can be upsetting to dogs who are restrained to have other dogs running over and they can’t get away, let alone the risk to small children…
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby helliebee » Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:22 am

I'm staggered that this is a genuine question.  Not wishing to sound like I'm about 90 but what is the world coming to?  How is it even a question that dogs (of any size) should be kept entirely and deliberately under control in public places?  It used to be that only service dogs were seen in cafes, restaurants, supermarkets and that other dogs were properly trained.  Now dogs are everywhere and the new generation of owners don't seem to know how to keep them under control and be respectful of others in society. Their owners are regularly oblivious and/or inconsiderate (even otherwise apparently sensible people). 
I love dogs but am increasingly incensed by irresponsible dog ownership.  I am sick to the back teeth of dog mess up and down my street (five items I had to dodge this morning with my daughter).  In recent weeks I have had: 'friendly' dogs on the Common jump up at me and dirty my clothes; dogs running freely at picnics, sniffing at and trying to get at people's food (with no management from the owners who just smile indulgently - indeed, I've heard owners who were annoyed by people being irritated by their poorly trained dogs trampling in amongst the food!) ; dogs in nearby gardens barking loudly and frequently on and on, with no attempt to stop affecting other people's peaceful afternoons/nights; dogs freely doing their mess on our pavement and the owner suggesting we are mad when we ask if they could try and train them to do it in their own garden/path/yard, before or after their walk or, if it must happen while out, at least clean it all up.  Where have manners gone?  Why is this now OK? 
Please keep your dogs and their mess to yourselves.  We all have to muddle along in this world together, trying not to make pigs of ourselves.  Congratulations on having a pet - I don't want to be involved.
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Kirstie’s Mom
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:35 am

I am in Cafe Nero on Bellvue Road most days in the morning and have never seen any dog doing what you described Maybe you should change your hours .
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Kirstie’s Mom
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:40 am

I have 2 very large dogs . If I am lucky enough to be able to bring them into a cafe they stay on tight leads and if I sit down I go where there isn’t much traffic.
I let them off in the Common . They are trained to leave and do not jump and I pick up . I too get exasperated with dog owners who are irresponsible but then I also see how some children behave - parents please ask the owner before you send your kids to pet the dog. Simple courtesy .
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Doggydo » Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:00 am

Agree dogs should be on a lead in a café.
I notice a lot of histrionic vocabulary in this post.

A practical move would be to speak to the café manager.
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby GemmaTong » Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:07 pm

Interesting how Kristie’s mum is getting all defensive and telling people they should “change the hours” that they visit a cafe….and speaking about children - suggesting people and children are the problem - lol !
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Kirstie’s Mom
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:24 am

Interesting how you jump to me being defensive . I’m just responding to the hyperbole from the reader who exaggerated that she sees dogs off leads all the time in Cafe Nero . Since I have gone there everyday for the last 10 years and sit whilst I have my morning cafe and have never seen a dog off the lead I’m actually tongue in cheek suggesting she change her hours .
As far as children I am merely pointing out that children should ask before petting . Courtesy works both ways .
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Kirstie’s Mom
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:24 am

Interesting how you jump to me being defensive . I’m just responding to the hyperbole from the reader who exaggerated that she sees dogs off leads all the time in Cafe Nero . Since I have gone there everyday for the last 10 years and sit whilst I have my morning cafe and have never seen a dog off the lead I’m actually tongue in cheek suggesting she change her hours .
As far as children I am merely pointing out that children should ask before petting . Courtesy works both ways .
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby ellsbells » Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:29 pm

Completely agree with being more careful. I see people on the Common letting their dogs off leash near where there are young geese. The other week I was queuing in Northcote Pharmacy behind a woman with a dog! Surely a pharmacist is not the place for a dog - even if on lead it’s not hygenic!
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby ally30_1998 » Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:40 am

Picking up on this recent dog nuisance thread..

I have noticed an increase of dogs in cafes. Personally I love dogs and wish I could have one, but I do understand why people don’t like them in shops and cafes etc.
I don’t mind as long as they are well groomed and well behaved but general levels of consideration towards others seems to be decreasing (or more likely I am just getting old and grumpy now!)

Personally I’m finding neighbours dog barking for up to an hour at time at various point throughout the day makes it almost impossible for me to get any work done.

The owners weren’t living there for almost two years while they had some work done and it was lovely so had forgotten how bad it was.

Don’t think the dog is mistreated or anything like that, it has just developed a habit of barking at anything and everything and is probably too old to have it trained out of it now.

Any recommendations for good places to do some quiet work during the day around Northcote Road without spending a fortune?
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Re: Mastif in Ole & Steen off lead

Postby Claphamkitten » Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:35 pm

I am a dog owner and I absolutely agree. We occasionally take our dog to pubs, especially if they have a pub garden. However, he is always on the lead and we are very mindful and make sure he doesn't disturb anyone.

However, the other weekend we went to Brinkley's and they obviously have "dogs allowed" policy which surprised me as it's a restaurant and not a pub. However, what honestly shocked me is that they allowed dogs off the lead. There were a few dogs there and two off the lead. One of them, belonging to the table next to us, came over at one point and licked my son's hand. The owner saw it and just smiled, I assume meaning "oh how cute"...? I have a dog but I don't want other people's dogs licking my children or even just sniffing around my table. I was shocked Brinkley's allow it. We spent over 300 pounds for our table. I'm sorry but this is not the meal I intended to have. Needless to say, not returning
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