Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

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Re: Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

Postby Salsa » Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:09 am

I totally agree. What planet are some of these people from. To be honest I don't think it's fair full stop, for any length of time unless he has asked and you're completely OK with it. I would be fuming too.

On top of that he should be suggesting with conviction that you can start planning your own get away.

If he does not take your feelings into account, I would be very wary of his plans from here. Personally I'd kick him to the curb and move on in your life. If you are a stay at home mom, please get yourself back into work asap. You need to have some back up for yourself. I wouldn't trust this!, I've been in a similar situations and eventually my husband walked out admitting he'd wanted his freedom for yrs. Be careful.

I also don't like societies attitude to allowing men to contine being boys. Men are allowed to be selfish, irresponsible and immature and they know they will still be loved.....

Get lost!!! If that's what a man is about I should've never got married. I'm divorced from my ex (the family abandoner) and I will never want a man in my life again. My daughters and cat give me far more joy in my life than any man ever has done!
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Re: Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

Postby Salsa » Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:27 am

Perfectly said pie81!!! My sentiments exactly and I do not regret my husband leaving me after I stuck to my guns on this topic. He now gets all the holidays he wanted by himself and the outcome my daughters (poor things), are able to see him for what he really is (a selfish loser), when he takes himself off on vacation with no thought to them having a holiday! Children know who look after them work all their energy and i personally would rather do the right by my children than for myself.
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Re: Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

Postby TLC1985 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:12 pm

Given the original post was back in 2015, the kids will be in their teens by now and the husband may have moved jobs a couple of times since then..

I wonder how it turned out?
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Re: Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

Postby Flambeau » Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:39 am

I don’t know how this thread came up when I was killing the time scrolling before holiday departure. 😄

I know it is a very old thread, but it is so interesting to read all of the various view points. Family dynamics, gender expectations etc

I too, wonder how it all turned out.

The question posed about WHY the husband wanted to spend 4 months of his 6 months garden leave away from his family was a very important one!

And that it wasn’t a consideration for the hubby that the wife or family could also benefit from this garden leave opportunity.

This thread was from 2015, but I wonder:

If the responses post pandemic would be different. People being more accepting and encouraging of the husband having a break before restarting the rat race again after the 6 months.

With flexible working being an option for most households now, whether the husband still would want/need 4-months away from his life.

now that there’s more awareness and acceptance re: the importance of good mental health, allowing yourself “me time” and not living to work. Would the responses would be more balanced?

I like to think that they eventually did something like this:

6 weeks for hubby
6 weeks for wife
8 weeks family time
The rest for something else.

Just reading the response to the thread , I thought that this scenario would make an excellent holiday book read! Or short drama looking at both perspectives.

I obviously have too much time on my hands!
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Re: Husband wants to go on holiday on his own

Postby Flambeau » Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:40 am

I don’t know how this thread came up when I was killing the time scrolling before holiday departure. 😄

I know it is a very old thread, but it is so interesting to read all of the various view points. Family dynamics, gender expectations etc

I too, wonder how it all turned out.

The question posed about WHY the husband wanted to spend 4 months of his 6 months garden leave away from his family was a very important one!

And that it wasn’t a consideration for the hubby that the wife or family could also benefit from this garden leave opportunity.

This thread was from 2015, but I wonder:

If the responses post pandemic would be different. People being more accepting and encouraging of the husband having a break before restarting the rat race again after the 6 months.

With flexible working being an option for most households now, whether the husband still would want/need 4-months away from his life.

now that there’s more awareness and acceptance re: the importance of good mental health, allowing yourself “me time” and not living to work. Would the responses would be more balanced?

I like to think that they eventually did something like this:

6 weeks for hubby
6 weeks for wife
8 weeks family time
The rest for something else.

Just reading the response to the thread , I thought that this scenario would make an excellent holiday book read! Or short drama looking at both perspectives.

I obviously have too much time on my hands!
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