Postby Mumof3SW11 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:30 pm
I have lived off Northcote Rd since 2009, and it is almost unrecognisable from then. Back then, you could barely get in coffee shops due to the number of buggies, the area felt busy and family friendly. There was a little kids cafe called Crumpet which had a play area, a proper greasy spoon cafe, the library hosted Monkey Music (and it was always full) etc. I think it’s become impossible to buy in the area as a young family, and along with the declining birth rate means the area is not the ‘nappy valley’ it once was. The range of shops on Northcote Rd is now a really weird mish mash of too many estate agents and bakeries, and shops like Aspiga which are beautiful to browse in, but even though we are not badly off, I would never spend that kind of money on a whim. Of course, the online shopping market continues to do well and is all so easy and accessible. It’s sad to see so many shops sitting empty. When my second was born in 2012, there was still plenty to do with toddlers, but so many classes have gone now in the area (little crafters in the lavender hill business centre, Cookease on Bolingbroke grove and tumble tots in Broomwood Methodists church hall to name just a few).