3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

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Annabel (admin)
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3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby Annabel (admin) » Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:55 pm

We have sadly been made aware of three muggings near Wandsworth Common this week. Please be vigilant.

Hi all, my 17 year old son was mugged coming home from school. He was walking up at james drive, coming from Wandsworth common train station. There were 3 youths, they got  him in a headlock. Luckily someone else was walking towards them so they scarpered.  He is fine luckily, just v shaken. They just wanted his phone.  
And a kid on Dorlcote was mugged Monday night by 2 guys coming back from station -  in balaclavas with knives. 

Good morning.  Just wanting to let you know that our 20 year old son was mugged at 18:20 yesterday, walking back from Wandsworth Common Train Station, just before entering into the tree area by Trinity Road pedestrian crossing.  2 youths in balaclavas appeared from no-where behind him, threatened him with knives and took his phone and airpods and demanded his password before telling him to run.  He is OK but was shaken.  Police came over within the hour but said it was pointless to give a statement as it was highly unlikely they would be caught without CCTV evidence!   We are grateful it wasn't any worse.  Just thought you should know. 
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby Denwand » Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:30 pm

These muggings have increased lately with the same M.O.

I witnessed two unmarked police cars stop a group of about 6 youths on Bqttersea Rise outside Hawkins Forge about
8pm on Friday 12th January - very dramatic as the two cars mounted the pavement each side of the group to cut of their escape.

I mention this because I read on NVN that when someone's teenage son was mugged nearby the oher day, there was a fast responce by police in "2 unmarked Police cars"

This is heartening because the Police seem to have a team in the area looking out for these theives and dealing with reports systematically.
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby shantimom » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:49 am

My son and 4 of his friends were also mugged on Northcote Road this Friday at 6pm. It started outside Ole&Steen, my son was the one in the headlock and his other friend next to him was threatended. when the 3 guys approache dthem they put an arm around them forst to make it look like they were friends - when my son wriggled they toightened the grip and threatened them. The other 3 saw what was happening and ran into OLd Bank where the management were SO helpful and 3 men who worked there came out to help the boys. The perpertraitors were outside waiting for our sons - and said if they come out they will kill them. So the boys got an UBER ordered to pick them  up and helped into it by the Old Bank Team. I reported this to the police. This situation is getting out of hand. And same thing happended they just want the phones. I hope everyone stays safe and that it doesnt happen to your kids. 
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby Mivana » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:12 pm

I am really sorry to read this and that it has happened to your child/ren & their friends…..; luckily they seem to be physically alright, on this occasion, but obviously such an experience will affect them mentally. . . . .
Having 5 grandchildren between the ages of 10 and 18, I fear for them on a daily basis . . . .
It’s like living in the “Wild West” these days, well certainly in London, and it saddens and infuriates me, because it’s getting worse all the time and nothing much seems to being done about it. . . 
From vehicle thefts, to robberies, parcel thefts to burglaries, mugging, stabbing and shooting, shoplifting and a wide array of fraud, abductions, rapes & murders, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and other hate crimes, we live in a “lawless” society where the perpetrators/ criminals, seem to have the upper hand, are not in least bit deterred or worried about by being seen or filmed as they are well aware that they can “get away with it”. . . . .
It is truely shocking that teenagers and some even younger children are blatantly behaving in this delinquent manner too, but maybe not surprising looking at the “examples” set. .. . .?
When is something robust going to be done about it!!!?
This should NOT be something we accept to live with.
WHAT can we do about it?
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby Gridmum33 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:32 pm

Hi - my son (14) was the victim of a mugging yesterday in the same area. Three men/boys at the bus stop when he got off, threatened him, took his bank cards and took him to a cash point to withdraw cash. His dad saw the declined transactions (they were above his spend limit), tracked him
from his phone and went up to see what was happening. Police called and they attended within a hour. It was between Clapham J & Wandsworth. He’s shaken but okay.
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby juliantenniscoach » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:11 pm

"Police came over within the hour but said it was pointless to give a statement as it was highly unlikely they would be caught without CCTV evidence!"   Yes because that also means it's not added to the crime statistics.  

God forbid the Police actually do something like the "prevention of crime" which is part of their Mission Statement.  The Police Force has become a Reporting Service.
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby Sillygoose » Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:12 am

Please report all of these to your mp. They should be making this a priority. We did the same for our area (we are in balham) because of the muggings on the common and police apprehended criminals right away because of the intervention of our MP. Don’t take this lying down!
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby namdosan » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:17 am

The latest figures issued by the Metropolitan Police show that there has been a significant increase in the number of robberies in the Wandsworth area.
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby bunny20 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:21 am

So awful to read this. I hope the children involved are ok.  One of the main drivers for these muggings seems to be the phones our children are using. Smartphones in particular. What if we just stopped giving children 'smart' phones to use and just gave them a regular phone for texts and messages? Would it  potentially help to 'stamp out' some of this? Why do they need a 'smartphone'? Is it for school comms/homework lists ?

The phones they are carrying are a real issue here. Maybe parents/schools etc need to work together collaboratively to put an end to the need for these devices/find a safer way of communicating homework lists etc if that is why we feel as parents we need to buy them.

As a parent of a reception aged child I have no experience of what children need in Secondary schools (from the communication side of things) but there has got to be a better and safer way...  No judgement meant by the way just looking at what could potentially help to stamp this out before it gets any worse.....
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby diva636 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:28 am

I have three children in this age bracket and fear for them as well but don't feel that this is an issue that the police can resolve single-handedly without looking at the source of the problem. We all need to think about who we've been voting for over the past decade and what opportunities there are for young people in this country and how well we as a society take care of the most vulnerable. With soaring inequality, fewer chances for social mobility and exponential rises in exclusions of 'problem' children from secondary schools (and these are just a few of the inherent societal issues inflicted upon us), then unfortunately crime will increase. If we use our vote and our voices to push for an honest government with integrity that will give hope to younger generations then maybe there would be less motivation to turn to crime. After witnessing the brazen rule-breaking and self-serving ethos of our government it doesn't surprise me that those with the least also seek to serve themselves using any means available.  
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Re: 3 muggings near Wandsworth Common this week

Postby dimelda » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:19 pm

So awful to read this. I hope the children involved are ok.  One of the main drivers for these muggings seems to be the phones our children are using. Smartphones in particular. What if we just stopped giving children 'smart' phones to use and just gave them a regular phone for texts and messages? Would it  potentially help to 'stamp out' some of this? Why do they need a 'smartphone'? Is it for school comms/homework lists ?

The phones they are carrying are a real issue here. Maybe parents/schools etc need to work together collaboratively to put an end to the need for these devices/find a safer way of communicating homework lists etc if that is why we feel as parents we need to buy them.

As a parent of a reception aged child I have no experience of what children need in Secondary schools (from the communication side of things) but there has got to be a better and safer way...  No judgement meant by the way just looking at what could potentially help to stamp this out before it gets any worse.....

Bunny 20:  You’ve  hit the nail on the head.  ‘ They just want their phones’ – on this thread & elsewhere - is the mantra we hear ad infinitum.  The answer – particularly relating to schoolchildren – is that they don’t take a phone to school.  At all.  They don’t need it and in fact many schools now ban them from school premises.  In a number of European countries, it’s national policy not to allow mobiles on school premises.  The guff talked about when phones were first on the scene – that kids would be safer on the streets, etc – is all nonsense.  It’s in fact made them more at risk.  They are less safe.  You’re right, Bunny 20, when you suggest that, instead of a Smartphone, kids could carry a basic phone, which the yobs don’t want   -  but the child could still be beaten up.  Safer to carry no phone at all. 

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