do your children send thank you cards for presents?

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Mary Quant
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do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Mary Quant » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:44 pm

Can anyone tell me if I am mad to think that a thank you card for presents that I sent to nephews and neices for Christmas would be a nice gesture? I have yet to receive a single one and I think it is rather rude. Just wondering if I am old fashioned and they're no longer the done thing? 
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby whereismylogin » Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:07 pm

Yes, mine do (9 & 13yrs). So do I (geriatric millenial!)
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Flambeau » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:09 pm


They do send physical cards but they either call the person or send a recorded WhatsApp voice note.

I think it's important to acknowledge the kindness of others, so that they aren't entitled kids with poor manners.
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Flambeau » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:09 pm


They don't send physical cards but they either call the person or send a recorded WhatsApp voice note.

I think it's important to acknowledge the kindness of others, so that they aren't entitled kids with poor manners.
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Flambeau » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:10 pm

They don't send physical cards, but they either call the person or send a recorded WhatsApp voice note.

I think it's important for them to acknowledge the kindness of others, so that they aren't entitled kids with poor manners.
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby eb949013 » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:11 am

We don't send cards, but we do send a thank you message via text or whatsapp. I try to include a picture or video of the children using the gift just to show it is being appreciated.
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Socialbutterfly53 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:53 am

My children (ages 12, 9 and 6) always send thank you notes for all gifts received, whether family members or friends at birthday parties. I’m insistent on it as a form of manners. I not only find it rude when I don’t receive a thank you for a gift we have given, but if the gift was posted, it also leaves me wondering if they ever received it if i haven’t received a thank you as an acknowledgment. I’m happy with any form of a thank you from others, but for my own children I tell them a written note is important because the time it takes to write the note is a reflection of the time it took the giver to choose, wrap and deliver the gift, etc.
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Guest AJ2012
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Re: do your children send thank you cards for presents?

Postby Guest AJ2012 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:53 am

Older Child sends WhatsApp’s (he a has his own phone) to those in question. For the three year old we did not do it after a party as frankly all the presents got mixed up and also our lives are unbelievably chaotic (no doubt everyone’s are but we are struggling to cope sometimes). Will do in future. It is a nice thing to do but I am very relaxed about being sent them by others. Life is just too short to be judgy about this kind of thing. If you want to give something give it out of a sense of giving. (Except if it’s posted I would want to know it had arrived).
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