Postby Resident1 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:45 am
Have a look at Barnes Eagles in the Surrey Youth League. Sunday matches.
Train from CLJ to Barnes and then bus to Barnes Elms Playing Fields.
Training times
[color=rgb(var(--color_14))]Saturday 9am–10.30am: U6 Boys & Girls, U7 Boys, U8 Boys, U8 Girls, U9 Girls, U10 Girls, U11 Girls, U18 Girls.[/color]
[color=rgb(var(--color_14))]Saturday 10.45am–12.15pm: U9 Boys, U10 Boys, U11 Boys, U12 Girls, U13 Girls.[/color]
[color=rgb(var(--color_14))]Midweek (please enquire): U12 Boys, U13 Boys, U13 Girls, U14 Girls, U14 Boys, U16 Boys, U17 Boys, U18 Boys, Seniors Reserves, Seniors 1st Team.[/color]
Barn Elms Sports Trust,
Barn Elms Playing Fields,
Queen Elizabeth [color=rgb(var(--color_14))]Walk,
Barnes, London SW13 9SA.
Free parking is available at the playing fields (second gate on the right as you drive down Queen Elizabeth Walk). There is also a café at the clubhouse. No dogs are allowed anywhere on the Barn Elms site.[/color]