Children's homeopath recommendation?

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Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby SJ1979 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:08 pm

I'd love to hear from anyone with a recommendation for a good and experienced homeopath for my daughter who is aged 3.

Many thanks.
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby cassie » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:04 am

Before you think about putting your daughter at risk, please read this:
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby maryd » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:22 am

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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby Honeymummy » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:44 am

This is a homeopath that my GP recommended (a few years ago !) for my daughter when she had severe eczema. We have never been because we chose to follow the 'usual' medicine but I always kept the details in case I had to look for an alternative : Mike Bridger 02076248650 -
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby Miss_Muppet » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:25 pm

Please don't be disappointed by things against homeopathy, I'm so glad you've chosen this route as this is the most healthiest.
Homoeopathy is really really unique and works on an individual basis.
I would like to suggest a free and highly experienced homoeopathic dispensary which has been running for years, unfortunately, I do not have the dispensary's number but can tell you its run by a very friendly community, the downside is you may have to wait in the que for your turn as they dont do appointments, just drop ins and I can remember they held one on Wednesday evenings . Their consultation is free and their medication is free (except the big tincture bottles which are a pound each but only if one is prescribed and that too lasts a long long time)
The trick with homeopathy is that you must persevere, even though a homoeopath is experienced, homoeopathic medicine has to work individually so if something does not work, go back and tell them.
Also don't forget that no strong smells or food/drink should be consumed or have been consumed 5 mins before and after taking this medicine, it is quite delicate. Their address is;
181 London Road
Morden, Surrey SM4 5AE
Really hope that helps
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby cassie » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:31 pm


I can play that game, too.

Here is the sad story of 9 month old Gloria Sam who died because her parents used homeopathy for her eczema instead of proper medicine. ... ple-jailed

Here is the story of the Italian couple who are currently under investigation because their 3 year old son died after they used homeopathy instead of proper medicine to treat his pneumonia. ... homeopathy

And here is a list of 437 people who died because they used homeopathy instead of proper medicine.

Shame on you.
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby Honeymummy » Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:13 pm

A good homeopath will send the patient back to conventional medicine if it's required...
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby cassie » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:45 pm

Give me some examples of 'when it would be required'? Is that after it's clear that the placebo effect of the sugar pills isn't kicking in? So within a few days? Weeks? Months? How long would a 'good homeopath' wait until they accept their 'magic water' isn't having an effect?

Would you treat someone with homeopathy if they had Pneumonia? HIV? Cancer? Or do you just treat things that will clear up on their own eventually?

Personally, I don't care if an adult wants to waste their time and money on homeopathy for themselves. It's their choice. A silly, ridiculous, 'I'm-an-adult-yet-I-still-believe-in-magic' choice, but their choice nonetheless.

Children, however, do not have a choice- either in which treatment they get nor for being born to parents who remain ignorant about this 18th century silliness- and I think it is immoral for anyone to treat children with homeopathy.
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby supergirl » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:17 pm

Homeopathy is not about treating, it is about doing something on the long term to PREVENT.
I have never ever heard of anyone being treated for pneumonia with homeopathy. But I know homeopathy is effective on the long run as a booster of the immune system, to prevent cold and other viruses especially during long wet and cold winters... I know people using homeopathy for eczema but not for treating (they use the "conventional" medicines) for preventing (when the skin is clear of eczema as it happens sometimes this is when they would start). Also, these people are going to homeopath doctors that are ALSO pediatricians so they know what they are doing.
Please Cassie dont be so vindictive...
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby AnaLy » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:53 pm

I agree entirely with Cassie and don't think she is being vindictive, just truthful, rational and most importantly evidence based! Homeopathy has no evidence behind it for treatment or prevention and I think using it for children is dangerous. Although if you use conventional medicine as well then I have no problem with it as it can do no harm as it does not work...
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby mummy_dani » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:18 am

I took my baby to a homeopath when he was 6 months old because he was suffering from eczema. We had a consultation and I was a little sceptical but thought it was preferrable to steroid creams etc. The homeopath took our family history and prescribed various remedies. I was never going to just give them to my baby but instead researched what she prescribed. To be honest with you, what I found scared me and I decided to throw away the remedies. You probably know that homeopathy works on the basis of giving diluted substances which cause symptoms in the belief that they will cure someone suffering from those symptoms. One of them was Carc which when researched I found was short for Carcinocinum (as in cancer/carcinoma). I found a lot of information which said that such a remedy can trigger dormant cancer cells to awaken and that was enough for me not to give it to my baby. I wouldn't take it myself so there was no way I'd give it a baby.
I have a couple of friends who use homeopathy regularly and even they were worried about using it on babies/children.
On another note, the carc remedy seems to treat everything from eczema to depression and anxiety ... i was expecting specific remedies for specific problems but that didn't seem to be the case.

My advice would be not to give homeopathic remedies to children. It's not worth the risk in my opinion.

As it happens my son's eczema cleared up and he's not had any flare ups for months (the homeopath seemed to think it would be an ongoing problem if he didn't take the remedies!)

I hope your daughter gets better though. Good luck
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby cassie » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:24 pm

Thank you AnaLy and mummy_dani for being more level-headed than me. I started out by simply pointing suzy to a site which offers up very clear and concise information on what homeopathy actually is and was irked when HappyHomeopath linked to some irresponsible nonsense.

Maybe HappyHomeopath hasn't *treated* anyone for an ongoing problem or illness and has only worked with people to PREVENT illness, if so, great. Unfortunately, many/most homeopaths don't seem to be so moral.

HappyHomeopath do you tell your customers they should get their children immunised or that they should, instead, use homeopathy? Would you recommend your customer go to their GP to get proper malaria medication when travelling to a malaria hotspot or would you give them a "preventative" treatment of your own? Do you turn away patients with Asthma, Allergies, Eczema or do you take their money?

For anyone who might still be under the impression that homeopathy is the same as Wibble treatments (for which there is, at the very least, some evidence that some Wibble treatments actually work), this is what homeopathy is from 10:23
What is Homeopathy?
Contrary to popular belief, 'homeopathy' is not the same as Wibble wobble.
Homeopathy is based on three central tenets, unchanged since their invention by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.

The Law of Similars
The law of similars states that whatever would cause your symptoms, will also cure those same symptoms. Thus, if you find yourself unable to sleep, taking caffeine will help; streaming eyes due to hayfever can be treated with onions, and so on. This so-called law was based upon nothing other than Hahnemann's own imagination.
The Law of Infinitesimals
Following on from his 'law of similars', Hahnemann proposed he could improve the effect of his 'like-cures-like treatments' by repeatedly diluting them in water. The more dilute the remedy, Hahnemann decided, the stronger it will become. Thus was born his 'Law of Infinitesimals'.
Taking a single drop of caffeine and diluting in ninety-nine drops of water creates what is known to homeopaths as one 'centesimal'. One drop of this centesimal added to another ninety-nine drops of water produces a two-centesimal, written as 2C. This 2C caffeine potion is 99.99% water and just 0.01% caffeine. At 3C the dilution is 0.0001% caffeine, at 4C it's 0.000001% caffeine, and so on. Homeopathic remedies are commonly sold at 6C (0.000 000 000 1%) and even 30C (0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1%) dilutions, which homeopaths will often drip onto little balls of sugar to sell.

The Law of Succussion
While transporting his remedies on a horse-drawn carriage, Hahnemann made another 'breakthrough'. He decided that the vigorous shaking of a homeopathic remedy would further increase its potency. This shaking process was named 'succussion'. When ritually preparing a homeopathic remedy, the homeopath will shake or tap the preparation at each stage of dilution, in order to 'potentize' it.

Water does NOT have memory. If it did, why doesn't it "remember" all the poo that's been in it?
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby Honeymummy » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:50 pm

I'm pretty sure homeopathy can help you relax...
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Clare Lupton
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Re: Children's homeopath recommendation?

Postby Clare Lupton » Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:33 pm

Maria Jevtic has already been recommended and I'd recommend her too. 07704 232117 Very trustworthy & skilled lady. Clare
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