Postby Sunnydoulahannah » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:42 am
We were burgled at 1am last year on Bridgford St. Bizarrely they left my laptop, my bag untouched on couch and my wallet alone on table, they turned on all ligths, crept downstairs where flatmates, who lock from inside were; he woke up hearing the creaky stairs and thinking thats a bit odd for us (my husband and I) to do and came up stairs to ground floor, and then saw the man go upstairs to top floor and head for kids room right in front of him. flatmate yelled bloody murder and scared the dickens out of us but also scared the burglar who practically flew down stairs, crashed into pram, crashed out the door. Police dogs tracked him down Waldron, across Garrett lane, and the park and lost him at the river.
Was extremely violating and horrible. Now we deadlock without fail and put pram in front of door. and deadlock and bolt our back doors, but its still scary. They could just smash a front window.
Im glad I have heard on here about neighbour hood safety team and I think I might get some wooden shutters fitted on those bay windows!!
Just dont take it for granted, be cautious, be safe.