We've done Woolly Grange (fantastic but expensive) and just about every Club Mark Warner and Ski Esprit when the kids were small (our youngest was in the first 'baby club' in Cap d'Or in Greece!
If you aren't hell bent on spending time in airport lounges and if you like the west coutnry, we have three weeks in two different fantastic cottages just outside St Ives in Cornwall - about 7mins from the beach (bit more coming back up the hill). They were originally the stables for the big house, now a hotel. You get the use of indoor and outdoor pools, badminton, squash, tennis - loads of facilities courtesy of the hotel and certainly up to last year there was a kids club each day and help with babysitting too, (not included in the price, but hey, the cottages are cheap enough, see below!) They are only available in August as we own them on a timeshare basis.
This year we can't go so are offering them at a massive 45% discount if you can book and pay in full by May 1st 2012.
If you would like more info, please call me on 01483 282471 or email
nancyshafee@tiscali.co.uk and I can send you pictures, details, list of facilities and loads of fun things to do in that part of Cornwall.