Thank you all for your continued posts, we read with interest and consider seriously all feedback given here. The following comments might be useful:
1. In terms of planning, since the current curriculum came into effect in 2007 activities planning in all UK nurseries needs to be “child led”. This means that Ofsted ask us not to plan activities in advance but rather after we have observed the child in their latest session so that we can respond to provide activities that are linked to their latest interests. The implementation of this wish of Ofsted’s is understood by nurseries but to prove it’s implementation often the answer given is that planning is not done in advance (so that the child’s preferences can be taken into account). Many nurseries including Baby Room, however continue to do a lot of structured planning including a monthly theme and of major activities during a week such as dance or cookery classes. The idea is that a child can then opt out of the activity if they do not want to do it but be offered something else instead tailored to their interests on that day. The curriculum is due to change in September 2012.
2. Ofsted require all accidents in a nursery environment to be recorded and this means that most nurseries record every bump, scrape or tumble. Baby Room do this for each accidents and monitor on a monthly basis the incidence of different types of accident and the room that they occur in. This information is then reviewed by Head Office. Our current understanding is that Ofsted require accident forms to be retained until a child is age 21 and we do this also. Any accident defined by our Policies and Procedures to be of any greater significance is investigated separately and the file retained also. We have e-mailed the mum who reported a poor experience and asked if she might provide details so that we can look into this for her.
3. We operate a “truth, trust and teamwork” environment at Baby Room as we believe that such behaviours serve to best protect our children. It would not be the case that a parent viewing would be asked to wait for any other reason other than that staff were busy doing something else and would not escort a mum into a room until they have the time to talk with them. We love showing parents around our nurseries, however at that point we are still looking after the babies and that takes priority.
4. We all appreciate how difficult it can be to make the right decision for your child and one parent may think that an environment is so organised by the adults that it is tantamount to regimented and another may think that an environment is not at all organised and just looks chaotic. Baby Room appreciates that “one size does not fit all” and so we seek to present our service in a truthful light. Viewings are conducted by the staff that will actually look after your child not someone with a marketing background from Head Office and we reassure the staff that they should always behave as normal during viewings not jump around especially if it is not that time of day. Be reassured that from 8 to 6.30 in our nurseries there is a huge amount going on and that includes quieter times and really active times.
As an initiative within our 2011 – 2012 Business Plan called “Improving Quality” we have been contacting many mums in the weeks after their viewing to ask for feedback. I am pleased to say that we will be widening this to all viewings effective immediately. We have around 20 viewings per week across our nurseries so please bear with us at the start of this initiative and call us if you have any further questions as we may be able to explain the answers to many of your niggling questions.
Finally, thank you to all the parents who turned up on Saturday at our nurseries for our bi-annual Parents Day. Please see post in the area here in NVN under “What’s On”. It was a great day with Baby Room staff spending time with over 100 sets of parents to discuss their child’s learning and development. All staff then got together in the at Balham to do futher work on EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and we finished off with a group work training session.
Sarah Roberts BA (Hons)
Operations Manager
Baby Room Nurseries Ltd
E-mail me at or tel: 020 8673 5110