What extras do you pay for your nanny?

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What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby txmum » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:06 pm

Is it common to pay for extras for a nanny, such as parking even if you aren't requiring her to drive? Are there any other extras you pay for such as public transport? Lunches? etc?
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby dansk1234dance » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:15 pm

Hey there

I can't comment on the parking, but I tend to pay for things that she does with my son during working hours. So transport to and from activities, I provide lunch or money for lunch and I also think it's fine for her to spend money in Starbucks every now and again. needless to say I also pay for activities (swimming pool entry, fruity tunes etc)

I wouldn't, however, pay for her transport to and from my house.

I guess it works pretty much they way it does for me at work. Most things I do during work is paid for or I can claim back
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby abc123 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:30 pm


Im a nanny,

From my point of view, public transport to take the kiddies places should be payed for and other expenses such as extra drinks for kiddies, entry to soft play areas or play groups etc.

She should really be eating lunch with the kiddies, sp thats normally provided so she would make it and take it as packed lunch if out or eat in with the kids, just a sandwich and some fruot is fone.

Different people think diffetent things, so this is what happens in my job and also lots of other nannies i know
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby MGMidget » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:32 pm

We had a nanny until recently. She didn't drive to work so we didn't have to address the question of paying for parking. However, in principle I wouldn't offer to pay for it unless you are asking her to drive her car for work (in which case you would need to pay petrol allowance as well). Not many company employers would pay for their employees' parking just to enable them to drive to work so I wouldn't see why I should.

I would pay for public transport when our nanny was doing work-related travel (so taking my son somewhere on the bus or train for example). She had a travel card so reimbursed the cost from our expenses kitty. She also prepared and helped herself to lunch at our house (often tea as well) and I stipulated that this should usually be what our son ate unless that was not possible for some reason.

If going out somewhere for the day with my son I covered the cost of lunch in a restaurant or cafe with him (although sometimes she prepared and took a packed lunch from ingredients in our house so it wasn't necessary). Sometimes nannies and children get together in a group for a meal in a restaurant in which case I covered the cost of our nanny and son's meals. However, I think it is up to you to set the terms on this and limit the number of meals out or ask her to prepare a packed lunch where possible if you wish.

We also paid for OFSTED registration since we requested it. Basically if any expenses were work-related or at my request then I covered the cost.
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby GoldStar » Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:54 am

If you require your nanny to drive her own car for work then the family would need to pay a petrol allowance and parking. If she does not need to drive it, but chooses to to go to and from work, then it is her cost.

Lunches, public transport and activities that she does whilst working with your children should be paid for by the family. I would normally suggest a 'kitty' where you put money in each week and she can leave receipts for what she spends.

if it is easier for her to drive her/your car to an activity than to take public transport then I would normally expect the family to pay for the parking for that time. I would think that the nanny is choosing to drive other than taking public transport as it may be the easiest way. It is sometimes difficult to get on a bus with a buggy!
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby lawrence » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:16 am

Great to hear all this tip,my 1hour permits are finished,as i leave half7 for work...now its gonna be such a hassle in the mornings,has anyone got wandsworth1hour permits,to donate i will be very gratefull,i asked wandsworth council for more,but they didnt issue.
How much do you think nanny should charge ph for a full day,when I work;end up spending minimum of 10£...coffes,permits,lunch,ets.
Any advise will be appriciated,Im trying to be reasonable nanny...
My family and baby are lovely...x :)
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Re: What extras do you pay for your nanny?

Postby Camille » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:42 am

As others have said we don't pay any extra for lunch as our nanny eats with the children but of course we pay for entrance fees, snacks and any other costs she incurs if she is taking them out for the day.
Regards transport, our nanny doesn't drive and we wouldn't have taken her on if she needed her own car to commute as nanny's and cars are a bit of a hassle according to a couple of friends (costs escalate!).
We do pay a contribution to her Oyster Card though to cover excursions.
I think the main thing is to pay a reasonable rate in the first place then there is no pressure on her to try to to wangle extra.
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