Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

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Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby rooting4tooting » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:45 pm

How many parents do you know that have begun going to church in order to get the children into a Catholic school? :idea:

Is it any different to parents playing the system by renting near a school to get their children a place and then moving back home once sibling rights have been obatained.
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Suzy K
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby Suzy K » Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:26 am

Well, I think it's pretty different. Presumably parents are not changing their faith in order to get into a church school, so if they up their church attendance in order to bring their children up in the christian faith I see nothing wrong with that. It shouldn't effect longer term church goers from a place in school, from what I understand the applications need to be made with a letter of recommendation from your church so presumably they will make it clear what your situation is, how long you've been attended etc. Or maybe I'm wrong and being a bit relaxed about this??
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:46 am

I don't think this is an issue as the church is all over it! You can't just become a bit 'churchy' for a while and get your child in.

In order to get that all important letter of recommendation from the priest you need to be a dedicated, active member of the parish. In all the RC schools I know of around here you need to have been attending mass regularly for at least 3 years prior to your application and they take a register to ensure that you have not missed any more than a few a year.

The priest really needs to know you and your family. My husband is Catholic and our children are baptised, however, he doesn't attend mass anywhere near enough for us to get a place at the Outstanding school and it is far too much effort for him to fake it.

And finally, anyone who is going to do all of that for 3 years despite having no real faith deserves a place in my opinion! I think its a very cunning way for the church to keep up their numbers in a world of dwindling congregation sizes!
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby BalhamMumWorkingFT » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:58 am

Why would you want your child to go to a Catholic school if you weren't a practising Catholic? With so many good non-faith schools around here and in reality, the "bad" schools are just a myth as each place is a personal choice. That is why this system is so crazy, in France you just go to the local school, there isn't any choice what so ever unless you go private... Would we want that?
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby dandelion53 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:12 am

Maybe because your nearest school is Catholic and you aren't near any others. They are an excellent school and frankly who cares if the assemblies etc. are quite religious, the rest of the curriculum is going to be the same as everywhere else.
Everyone pays the same taxes so why should some schools be able to exclude those that aren't a certain faith?? And its ok, I know the answer is that the church pays towards these schools..
I just think that it is divisive and that all faith schools should be converted back to community schools.
And yes people do attend church every sunday for 3 years to get their children into these schools, catholic and c of e, most seeing it as a small price to pay compared to either not having any other place, depending on where they live or having to pay for private fees. Often they just 'conveniently' remember that they are religious when they are pregnant and looking into schools.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby supergirl » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:37 pm

It is HUGE commitment to put your children into a faith school. It us not just about giving them a good education, it is also accepting that they are going to be taught a lot about the religion and the faith in question. So i doubt if any parents who are a little or not at all religious would suddenly become religious and church goers in order to put their children into these schools. I am a church goer, our children attend mass too but i would for example never put my children in a catholic school.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby mrs_pavlova » Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:06 pm

It's completely different to very wealthy people renting houses near to popular schools in order to 'steal' a place from a closer and more deserving child.

My husband and I are practising Catholics who have indeed 'upped' our attendance to see if we can secure a place for our son. However, there is absolutely no way I would do this if I didn't have a strong faith anyway, and wish to give our children an education that includes a strong religious slant. It's also a great way of getting involved in our community and the benefits are endless, even if we fail to get a place.

Not a comparison in my humble opinion!
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby WishIWasthePope » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:24 pm

Its a scandal.

I asked about this a few years ago and couldn't believe that these schools, which discriminate on religion, are funded by the tax payer.

I'm not particulary religious, and every time I hear about stuff like this it reminds me why I don't have any faith.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby Christianvalues_not! » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:30 pm

Over subscribed Catholic schools have very few christian values.

This conversation got very heated a year or so go and I don't want to rehash all of this but the ones I looked at were smug, discriminatory, unforgiving, and full of a lot of pride.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby Pud1 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:06 am

Wow. Pretty strong statements. Each to their own I guess. I personally don't have a problem with people who have a faith, and want to educate their children within this faith.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby foureyes » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:38 pm

What a stupid argument re taxpayers. Catholics pay tax too - non Catholics are perfectly welcome at many Catholic schools but are only interested in the outstanding ones - funny that! Why on earth would you want to send your children to a school which teaches them beliefs which are not your own - whether it's round the corner from you or not?!
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby mapryan » Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:16 am

Just to clear up a few misunderstandings. So called faith schools are inherently sectarian and discriminatory in their nature. Yes, the churches do contribute, but the taxpayer pays over 90% of the running costs of faith schools. With a little judicious planning and grant management, this figure could be even higher. People say that Catholics pay taxes so therefore the government should pay for their schools. Well, the majority of the population are not catholic (and increasingly less so Christian) so your schools are effectively being subsidised by the general population and often to the detriment of non-faith schools (especially now that schools are increasingly opting out of local council control).

I went to school in Holy Ghost and then went to Clapham college in Clapham South. Holy Ghost at the time was ok and Clapham College was appalling (it was in the process of being closed down as I was leaving). Their faith ethos made no difference to the education on offer at that time. When I left that school system, I didn't know a single non-catholic. How on earth did that prepare me for life? Given today's multi-cultural society it's very unwise to educate people in such an isolated and culturally exclusive environment.
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby piper_halliwell » Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:42 am

From all I've read so far it sounds like the RC schools should be made church schools in the full meaning of the expression - i.e. they should be subsidized 90% by the RC church itself and 10% by tax payers - if they want to pick and choose the children attending those schools according to their religion or how active their family is. The way things are now everyone - RC or not - should be extended equal chances of attending a RC school.
That being said, I don't see why non-catholics would want to send their kids to a catholic school if they teach the kids the catholic doctrines there (not that I know for sure that they do that :) )
Besides, going to church on Sundays doesn't make anyone a good Christian the same way standing in your garage with the hood of your car open doesn't make you a mechanic :lol:
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby ckwmum » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:31 pm

Interesting article on this today: ... est-pupils
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Re: Is it right that parents become churchy to get a school plac

Postby ding » Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:15 pm

very interesting debate!!! personally i don't think this is any worse than families who lie about where they live (i know plenty who use grandparents addresses etc) to get in to a particular school. When it comes to finding the best school for your children, then i think parents will use any means necessary!!!
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