Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

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SJH Mummy
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Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby SJH Mummy » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:36 am

Hi there,

My husband and I are heading to my parents house in La Rochelle this summer and are wondereding what the best/easiest way to get there is from London with a 6 month old baby?

Can anyone give me their experiences? We would fly to La Rochelle but the flight times are rubbish and the flight to Bordeaux is very £ for July and August when we're planning on going.

A couple of questions, if we use the eurotunnel and we give a time of travel, what if we arrive early or late, can we get on another train?
Ferry, short crossing or long crossing (ie Portsmouth Le Harve/Caan) any tips? is it a nightmare on the crossing with a baby?

Our baby is ok in the car but I fear would get bored being in the car for a long time, should be break up the journey perhaps?

ANy tips greatly appreciated. Many thanks
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby Firefly » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:58 am

I would suggest the ferry to Portsmouth to Caen and drive down. Ferry is normally between £300-400 if you want a room and bathroom and don't forget to add in the toll costs. The roads are fabulous to drive on though.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby mummyof1 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:49 am

Hi - i have been driving south of bordeaux for a number of years a couple of times a year and have tried many different ferry crossing and now only use the eurotunnel. I find the crossings a long time on a boat particulary if the sea is rough and found very hard with very young children. Re timings - you can buy the more expensive flexi ticket and therefore just turn up - but i tend to do the fixed time and aim to arrive 1hr before - sometimes i have been lucky and been allowed on the earlier train.

The roads down to La Rochelle are great and you will hardly see any cars. I tend to stop every 2/1/2 - 3hrs - just for a quick coffee etc and almost all the service areas have both a little soft play or an outside playground.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby Firefly » Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:14 am

mummy of 1

How many hours driving is it by eurotunnel?
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby mummyof1 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:49 pm

I can get to Bordeaux in about 8 1/2 hrs with 1- 45 min stop and a couple of pitstops. I do drive at maximum speed limit thou. I found doing the portsmouth - le harve didn't save any time at all - and the 3 + hours on ferry just too much for me and little one. i never spent the money on the cabin. I also tend to do the drive on my own so getting back into the car feeling queasy was not good. Also working out the costs even with more tolls and petrol still was the cheaper.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby Mummyoftwins » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:01 pm

Hi - I am so happy to have found this post! I am going through the same debate myself. My parents are currently in Normandy and have invited me and my 2.5 year old twins to go out and join them for Easter. Unfortunately my husband won't be able to join me, and the thought of doing it on my own is terrifying!

It seems that the easiest/cheapest way is to go by Eurotunnel and drive the 4.5 hours from Calais. To have the kids strapped in the car seems far more preferable to running around on a ferry. I am thinking of taking a late evening train, then driving into the night as hopefully the kids will sleep in the car.

Mummyof1 - have you driven through the night, or do you always do it in daytime? Having looked on the internet, it seems driving through the night might be the best idea, especially if I don't have any other adult help.

SJH Mummy - although I haven't done the 8+ hour drive, I would also suggest taking the Eurotunnel and driving. It will be so much cheaper than the ferry, which these days is so bloomin expensive. You will be able to stop as often as you need/like and I think it would be the less stressful option.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby mummyof1 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:06 pm

RE night driving - i have only done this a couple of times and always with another driver - as i am not keen on night driving and also French roads do not have cats eyes - so nothing to help you straying into other lanes. Also if on your own i think you are a bit more stressed and i think best to be able to see - I always have map besides me + sat nav. Again hopefully no car problems but again if i ever did breakdown i would want to be in day time. But my advice is JUST DO IT - its not nearly as hard as you think.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby Firefly » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:13 pm

I think it depends on the ages of your children though.

If you have a baby then a longer drive isn't so much of a problem but once they are toddler and young school age for us the long ferry is so much better. There is a soft play and entertainment, a not bad restaurant for breakfast either. I was put off using Eurostar because the children are in the car the whole journey. The ferry to Caen really reduces the drive time.

It is more expensive by Ferry though.
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Re: Channel Crossing - ferry or Eurotunnel - ADVICE PLEASE

Postby MamanMummy » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:43 pm

We have done it a number of times as we have a holiday home South of La Rochelle, and have tested all the options with children - we have four age ranging from 6m to 6y.
My preferred option with the kids is night ferry Porthmouth-Caen then motorway all the way through the next morning. You leave London around 8-9pm, ferry leaves at 11pm, you book a cabin and the sea rocks kids to sleep until 6am, short night but enought to do the rest of the drive = 5 hours of motorway stops included (we do drive quite fast), small ones usually sleep through or need one stop for a feed - so you should be there for a late lunch.
I find driving all the way too long (11/12 hours door to door if you take the Eurotunnel, two stops included) and you go through Rouen, where you waste loads of time. Plane is just a no go for us but was quite nice and quick when I did it on my own.
I would absolutely avoid the short ferry, such a waste of time with kids compared to the Eurotunnel. On the Eurotunnel outside of very busy periods they are quite flexible on letting you go slightly before or after your booked boarding time.
If you take the ferry option my advice would be to book quickly though.

Enjoy the holiday -:)
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