Postby lalectrice » Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:29 pm
Right from day 1, my baby as refused to sleep on any surface other than a warm, breathing human - preferably me. (She will tolerate being transferred to other people when asleep and will only fall asleep on her dad after a lot of crying.) She falls asleep on me (either breastfeeding or being rocked) and I then try to transfer her to her cot, but within minutes she is awake and crying. This is repeated multiple times until eventually she is crying so badly that I cave in and let her sleep on my chest (with me in a reclining position). Needless to say I am surviving on virtually no sleep - I try not to, but do nod off when she is on me, then wake in a panic about her safety. In the daytime, she naps in the sling or in my arms and only sleeps for 3 20min catnaps, despite my best efforts to get her to sleep for longer.
I have read everything and tried everything, including scenting the cot to smell like me, warming the cot, pick up/put down, ssh/pat, cranial osteopathy, sleeping her on her side etc etc. She will not even co-sleep on the mattress in my bed, unless she is on my chest. She does not wake for a feed, merely to be held. Swaddling had some brief success - we got her to stay in the cot for 3/4 hours on a handful of occasions, but the appeal wore off and she's now too old for it as she's close to rolling over. I do not believe in controlled crying or CIO and am not prepared to try these methods.
I am DESPERATE and am on the brink of employing a sleep consultant, but feel I've read so much that I know what they will say -either CC or use a bedtime routine (we do), put her down drowsy but awake (I've tried - she snaps awake screaming), reassure her with soothing pats (more screaming hysteria) etc etc.
Can anyone give me ANY advice or recommend a sleep consultant who really works? I'm so desperate to get some sleep!