What amazing new things do people do?

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What amazing new things do people do?

Postby Haggis » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:09 pm

I was reading on another thread about a local stay at home dad, Jim McLean, who has used his time to write a novel (it's amazing, it's called How To Bring A Boyfriend Back From The Dead and you can get it in local bookshops and Waterstones as well as a kindle now on Amazon , I think.)
It got me thinking what other amazing things mums (and dads, obviously in Jim McLean's case!) are doing with their time?

I don't want to go back to working in an office for someone...wish I could think of something brilliant!
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby littlechicken » Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:20 pm

I so feel you Haggis! I don't want to go back working in an office for long hours with little gratification. However, my dream I-am-my-own-boss scenario isn't working so well considering I don't even have time to wash my hair sometimes!
When my dearest son starts nursery this September for a few hours, I am hoping to enter the magic world of the self employed. I am still lacking on clarity as to the nature of my project though. I am a trained architect but I am hoping to do art as well. Vague, huh?
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby falconmum » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:41 pm

That is such a pertinent question.
Like all new moms, I am also looking for some inspiration on what to do next. I do have a job to go back to but dont feel as if I will be able to get into the flow of things ...

I have actually been investigating handbag desigining courses and want to go self employed .
Where to get advice from ?
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby jafina » Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:25 pm

When my youngest starts school in September I know that I will enjoy the first few months of having some time to myself. However,I have a feeling that at some point I will be keen to do something for myself but that it will need to fit in with the children's school hours and lengthy school holidays.

But what???!!, I have no desire to go back to my former job, banking - YAWN (plus stupid hours)

So I would love to hear other people's ideas for themselves. Sadly I don't think I am cut out for either novel writing or handbag design!
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby falconmum » Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:11 am

My husband thinks training as a teacher is the answer !!! Perfect while the little one is growing up ....
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby boojackson » Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:30 am

I used to work crazy hours in Television and travel a lot which I loved, but was not the most obvious career choice as a new mother! I went to night school whilst on maternity leave as I just wanted/needed to get out of the house and "do something else" and inadvertently retrained as a milliner.
All happened by accident really, but I now run my own millinery business which has allowed me to stay home with the kids yet still be busy running my little business.
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby littlechicken » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:01 pm

It is very reassuring to know that a lot of us are contemplating the same question. I certainly don't miss going to work but sometimes I feel part of my identity is lost in being a 'mum'. I don't even have a name anymore! Working friends without children often ask me what do I do all day. It's not watching Jeremy Kyle!
Retraining as a teacher is my husband's recommendation as well and it's not a bad one. But running my own business would be my choice.
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:14 pm

I have also been deliberating this one for a long time.

After my first, I didn't have the answer so I just got pregnant again and put off the problem, but now I'm here again, counting down my last 6 months of mat leave.

The problem with being a teacher is that it doesn't cover childcare costs. Great once you have school age children, but I want to be around them now whilst they're tiny and NOT in school.

I've thought about starting a nursery school. A child-friendly cafe. A child-related shop. But leases around here cost so much, it really hurts start-ups.

I'll watch this thread with interest as surely there's got to be a better way......
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby falconmum » Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:44 pm

I wonder where the people from this thread ended up .

i am back at work still dreaming about being self employed
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby lknappen » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:32 am

I never went back to work after my first son (my background was in banking but had recently switched to film production) as the job that I was leaving was an impossible one to return to with a baby (long hours on location, having to fly to another country for two weeks at a moments notice).
I got pregnant with my second when Jude was only 12 months, and I decided I needed to do something professionally otherwise I would go insane. So I started a business based on a concept I had been doing for my family and friends for years - making bespoke films for people based on their existing media. As people take hundreds of digital pictures and hours of video footage of their little ones but never know what to do with it, I thought I could put it all together in a meaningful way for them and then they could have a DVD they could watch for the rest of their lives.
What I like about what I'm doing:
-It's meaningful. Being able to bring people's images and videos to life in a format that they'll actually watch is an incredible privilege.
-It's flexible. I can do my job from anywhere at anytime for anyone based anywhere in the world, thanks to file sharing services like dropbox.
-I don't have a boss. I can say no to projects when I know I've got a lot coming up with the kids in the following weeks or when we're going on holiday.
I would suggest you look at the things that you want out of a job (for me meaningful, flexible and self employed were the most important) and then examine your skill set and see what you can come up with. You don't have to make a revolutionary product - it can be much more of a service based business such as mine.
Hope this helps.
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby ESA » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:11 am

I agree that it's a really tricky one knowing what to do when you have kids if you don't want to go back to your old job (or if what you did before doesn't suit having a family).

I really wanted to be around for my kids when they were small, but at the same time, I do think it's very easy to lose so much of your identity as people just see you as a mum and not as the person you were before with interests and other strings to your bow.

I thought hard about what i enjoyed and what made me feel good, and I realised that helping others and making a difference to others lives really made me feel valuable and purposeful.

As a new mum I remember with shock and amazement how much having my son changed things overnight and how I wasn't really prepared for the change. As time went on and I learnt the practicalities of looking after my baby, I started to help my friends when they had their babies - preparing them for what they needed and what it would really be like in those early weeks (something I wished I'd known).

It was through helping my friends and realising just how much I love helping people so that they don't struggle as much and making a difference to their lives, that I set up http://www.thebabycarecompany.co.uk last year.

I'm still working out what is helping people the most - I am running classes for first time mums providing detail on all the practical things I'd wished I'd know about looking after a baby.
I am also doing classes for those pregnant for the second time where they can meet others with similar age gaps and learn about stages the older child is going through and ways of coming with 2, so they're more prepared when the time comes. I realised just how much less you think about your second baby as you're so busy with your first.

It's a constant journey and lots of hard work trying to 'get seen' above all the marketing noise around, but every time I give a class or 121 with pregnant ladies or a couple expecting and see how much happier and more confident they are afterwards, it makes me feel that I am making the difference to them.

I think if you're starting something up yourself, you have to think about what really makes you happy and what you enjoy doing and go from there.

Hope that helps

Eilish, The Baby Care Company
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby philippa » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:15 am

Hello all

I started my own business helping mothers find part time work. I enjoyed being my own boss, and building something new, but then financial realities meant that I had to go back to employed work.

I saw a career coach: julianne Miles @ career psychologists and she really helped me.

The most important thing I learnt is DON'T GO INTO TEACHING just because the hours fit: you also need the job to be fulfilling and energizing, which teaching is for some and not others.... Think before you jump, here, ladies!
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Clare Lupton
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby Clare Lupton » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:23 am

I tried a few things and now mix a part-time job with building my own business based on helping people save money - I love it when I do a good job and if I can't help I always say so. It's in conjunction with a FTSE 250 company, it's my own business so I decide how much and when I do any work and I get all the support I want, when I want it. If it sounds like something you might like have a look at and you have 2 and a half minutes then watch http://www.makeacupoftea.co.uk. You can always call me on 07595 430560 to find out more about building your own business. Clare.
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby mandmassage » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:30 am

I find it fascinating how many new mums have decided to start up their own businesses. If you can get the balance right and actually make some
money then it seems like the best choice. But it can be quite tough starting out on your own and you can feel like you never actually leave the office behind as you initially get started. I run a business networking group for women in Wandsworth as an aside to being a therapist and we meet once a month and welcome anyone in who is just looking to find out more about what options are available to them. It's good to meet other mothers in a similar position. See our website for more details of the next meeting. http://www.myjammybusinessnetwork.com. Its totally free to come along and all held at Virgin Active near Wandsworth roundabout.
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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

Postby Rabbit_and_Co » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:10 am

I went back to work part-time (for the company I had worked at for 10 years) when my first-born was 1 year old, but after my second was born I wanted to spend more time with them both, and I set up my own business (selling personalised prints for children).

The upsides are that I do get to spend a lot of time with my children, which I genuinely love. I can choose my own hours. I can chat to people on NappyValley instead of working (oops). I don't feel stressed about sorting out childcare and commuting. The downsides are that I do miss the buzz of an office environment, and of course a decent salary! But I wouldn't swap.

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