Advice on where to live?

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Advice on where to live?

Postby Soriano » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:10 am

I realize this is a rather broad question to ask but I'm desperate to get some real information from moms in Wandsworth, Battersea and Clapham. My family and I are moving to London in the summer and are trying to decide on which area to live in of the three. We have a 5 and 3 year old and would like to be in a family-friendly neighborhood that is safe. We wouldn't mind the bonus of some shopping and restaurants nearby. If you have any opinions on the area that you live in- perhaps what you wish someone had told you before you moved there- would you share it with me? Thank you!
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby MGMidget » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:17 am

I would check out the local schools, how good they are and whether they are oversubscribed - since getting into a good school will be one of the challenges with a 5 and 3 year old! Between the commons area is very good for young children but the nurseries and schools are heavily oversubscribed so getting a school or nursery place is not straightforward.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby hjm » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:47 am

Between the Commons is lovely. It's very safe and family friendly, and there are lots parks, playgournds, lovely local shops, cafes and restaurants. The downside is that it's very expensive to live here and the school situation is dire.

If you have a 5 year old you'll need to speak to Wandsworth Council to find out what your chances are of getting a place at one of the good local state schools (Belleville, Honeywell or Wix are the ones that I would personally be happy with). It will depend how far you live from the school and whether there are any spaces. Once you have one of your children in the school and siblings will automatically get a place.

That's assuming you want a state school. There are many excellent private schools, but I think it's also pretty difficult to get your children in to them unless they've been on a waiting list for some time. With a 5 year old you might be ok, as people may have left the school and there might be a space, but definitely check all of this out before you decide to move between the commons.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Soriano » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:39 pm

We have already secured a spot for both children at a private school located in Clapham. It sounds like the area of Clapham Common might be a great place to start our search based on your feedback. Many thanks for your quick replies!
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby ArtfulToddler » Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:01 pm

Which school in Clapham are they enrolled to?
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby hjm » Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:43 pm

I'd say Between the Commons, not Clapham Common. Clapham Common is not nearly so nice or child friendly. Speak to estate agents based on Northcote Rd.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Soriano » Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:37 am

Yes, sorry- Between the Commons... not Clapham Common. We are interested in being near Northcote Road as I've heard fantastic things from the Londoners I've been lucky enough to speak with.

Does anyone have any opinion on Battersea or Wandsworth? Are there areas there that we should look into or avoid?
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby WandsworthResident » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Hi there

Your question is a bit tricky to answer - Wandsworth is the borough, so a very wide area indeed. The area which most people might consider as "Wandsworth central" is down by the town hall, probably not where you're thinking of. Then there are the residential areas near to Wandsworth Town and Wandsworth Common stations, the former has lovely houses in the "Tonsleys", the latter having great houses off Bellevue Road, which has a bit more going on in terms of child-friendly stuff, cafes and shops etc.

Battersea is in fact where Between the Commons is situated, (south Battersea), and this area stretches up to the river and Battersea Park (north Battersea), and includes the area around Clapham Junction, just to confuse matters. Lots of lovely places to live round here - Northcote Rd, Prince of Wales Drive, Shaftesbury estate (though not as many shops in the latter two and public transport much more limited in N Battersea).

"Clapham" proper is in Lambeth borough, and would be the area around Clapham Common and Clapham North tube stations, which is less child friendly.

Then there's the area around Clapham South - going up to Abbeville Village (gorgeous) or down to Balham, again lovely houses and cafes especially in the Ramsden Road / Nightingale area.

Personally I would live as close to your chosen school as you can, taking into account your preference for house and how far that would take you from whatever else you want to access. It's all pretty easy on foot round here though, while the traffic can be terrible. The fewer cars we have on the roads in the mornings during the school run the better (for motorists and pedestrians alike!). It can take ages to go even a short-ish distance in the car.

Feel free to message me if you like, hope this helps.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Soriano » Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:07 am

I knew my original question was a tricky one so I thank you for taking the time to reply!

The information you've provided is incredibly helpful. I have so little knowledge of the area and clearly must admit that I have been quite confused as to where the boundaries lie. It also confirms my suspicion regarding London traffic. My husband was trying to convince me that we should consider Chelsea- that the drive to the school in Clapham would be "quick and easy". Coming from NYC I know all too well that it if there's any traffic to contend with, the easiest looking commute can become a traumatic experience when actually attempted.

I'm hoping to find a home within a 5 to 10 minute walk to the school. I've also been told I should teach my 5 yr old son how to ride a scooter because that is, apparently, the way all the little ones get themselves around.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby schoolgatesmum » Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:23 am

Which school is your child going to? Another part of Battersea is what is know as Northside. It's the bit between Clapham Common Northside and Lavender Hill up as far as Cedars Road. It has great bus routes from Lavender Hill and clapham Commin Northside, is in easy reach of Northcote road, is rightby Clapham Common and you get much more for your money than between the commons.
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Almaceti » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:03 pm

I don't agree that Clapham common is not nice. It is not as posh as Between the Commons, but it is very nice, especially Clahpam Old Town, which is less crowded than Northcote road. I also agree with the area between Clapham common north side and Lavender Hill. On the south side of Clapham Common, the area of Abbeville Road is also great. It would definitely not be my choice to go Between the commons, because of 1) the price, 2) the oversubscribed schools.
in any event, lots of nice places in SW london. Also, Balham, Earlsfield, Wandworth town (lovely), Saint John's Hill.
Good luck
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby kiwimummy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:25 pm

Another vote for proximity to the children's schools, as that is what makes the most difference to your day. Scooters are brilliant, once I trained my kids to stop at the roadside!

I'm also a fan of the Northside and Old Town areas. There are some lovely places down the Abbeville Road way too.

Between the Commons is a very nice area, but the downside is that it is there is a significantly higher cost to live there than some surrounding areas.

Alas, nearly all of Battersea/Clapham suffers from a surplus of real estate agents in our shopping streets! :D
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Vista123 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:11 pm

We live in St Johns Hill, which, if you have a private school place/s secured, is great and more affordable than between the commons. Its got a nice set of shops, a deli / cafe, a couple of nice pubs, a mini Sainsbury's and is 10mins walk to Clapham Junction Station. It is also a 10 min walk to the Northcote Road. You can also get the bus to anywhere a well. You will pay circa £100k less for a like for like house, than one between the commons.

best of luck
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby WandsworthResident » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:25 am

Easy for your husband to say it will be easy, when it's not him doing the school run presumably!

Chelsea is of course lovely and tbh getting over the river from north-south is easier than the other way, so living there would make it marginally more convenient for getting out of town at weekends etc, as well as putting you closer to town.

But do also consider how locally the other pupils live to school - play dates and general socialising with parents is much easier if you are nearby. Worth asking the school how far their pupils come from? Also while you may be able to drive to the school you may find parking more of a problem - the wardens hover around schools in the morning like bees to a honey pot, so if the parking restrictions come into force before school starts this could get expensive! I should reiterate my view that it is better for everyone if we can avoid more cars on the roads especially around schools to which other children are walking!

As others have added, there are loads of fantastic places to live, I really would start with the school and work from there. If your husband wants to live in Chelsea there are lots of great private schools near there too, I don't know why you wouldn't consider those?
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Re: Advice on where to live?

Postby Soriano » Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:05 pm

We gave Chelsea consideration only to expand our choices- not because of a desire to live there. My husband and I both thought living outside central London might provide the opportunity for finding a larger living space for less money.
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