Soon to be a single mum!!!!

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Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Singlemum » Thu May 24, 2012 11:37 pm

Its been 8 months . Eight lonely months of being single. I am 35 and lonely. It was never meant to be this way. I always thought that I would be blissfully married with a baby and maybe baby number 2 on the way by now. But here I am on a Thursday evening feeling sorry for myself and 8months pregnant.  It was never like this. I had a boyfriend once. Gosh it feels like such a long time ago. But I was so in love with him. No, let me re-phase that. I am STILL in love with him. Yes I shock myself by saying this after what he has done to me. 

Anyway, let me tell you abit more about myself. I am in my thirties, mid thirties  (scary). I was born and grew up in Hampshire. I have two siblings and loving parents. I came to London to go to University. I loved Uni life. I am very traditional, I never slept around. I had a lot of friends and had a great time. I guess I have always been a social butterfly and very happy with who I am. 

After university, I started work as a Trainee Lawyer in the City of London. It was tough but I was young, ambitious and up for it. The hours were long and I worked hard and played even harder.  After work, I was out with colleagues to a winebar or restaurant. If it was a Friday night we might go to a club.

It was during one of these jaunts that I met him. It was a Friday Night and had been a busy week. I decided to go to a City bar with a few female colleagues. We got a table, ordered drinks and nibbles and chatted. the bar was full with City workers like us enjoying the Friday evening, looking forward to the weekend. He was, standing at the other side of the Bar with his friends. I guess I caught his eye, he sent a bottle of champagne to our table (impressive) with his business card!

Before I go any further, let me discribe myself. I am pretty, or should I say attractive or beautiful? Well I am very easy on the eye. Slim, well groomed, educated and traditional. I have very good manners and take great pride in my appearance. ( I am not going to say too much as I do not want my nearest and dearest to find out about this blog). I lived in East Dulwich . And I loved my life.

Anyway, the waiter gave ME the business card. ( I was with two other female colleagues that night) So I guess "Champagne City guy" knew who he wanted. How did I feel? Flattered. My colleagues giggled and told me to invite him over, but I thought I would appear not too interested, cool, calm and collected ( In a female way). The lighting in the bar was slightly dark and I could not get a good look of him. And I did not want him to see me looking at him. Everytime I looked his way, I caught his eye (damn!). You probably want to know what he looked like. HOT! he was tall, slim but not skinny, well groomed with gorgeous brown skin. He was with his colleagues. They were showing off. Not too loud and boisterous, but definately the centre of attraction. And you could see they had money.

Anyway, he came over to my table and chatted all evening. He was a City Trader, he was 37,  he worked for a well know Investment Bank. He was young, sucessful, handsome and he fancied me (ditto). We talked about what he did for a living, where he lived (Clapham) and he said he would like to take me out. I said I would email him. I was single and so was he.

We met two weeks later. I had emailed him on the Monday Morning and he emailed me about twice a day. I guess he was keen.We decided to meet up and he came to my flat in East Dulwich to pick me up on a Saturday afternoon in his 911 Carrera Porsche. He looked absolutely gorgeous. Hotter than when I saw him at the bar. 

We started off at a private art gallery. He liked his art and told me he was putting together quite a collection. He was such a gentleman. He opened the car door for me. He paid me compliments, at the gallery, he knew the people there but never made me feel left out. Afterwards, we went for a meal at an amazing restaurant and he told me about himself. He was attentive, he was a gentleman, he was handsome and he seemed older than his 37 years (in a good way). I fell for him that night. He took me back to my flat. He DID NOT come in for a night cap. He kissed me on the cheek and he said he would call me the next day. I dreamt of him that night and have ever since.

We spoke and emailed each other every single day after our first date. And met up again. Our first kiss was just electric.He was just perfect. He looked good and was an amazing kisser ( and lover). As the relationship progressed (we went out for drinks with his colleagues and he introduced me as his girlfriend), we spent more time together. He either stayed at my flat or I was at his. We both worked very long hours so when we were together it was amazing. We went on holiday together, I met his lovely parents, he met mine. His friends were mine and vice versa. We were good together and we were in love.

Ever the attentive boyfriend, he would always make sure I was happy and felt loved. He would cook me dinner, he would buy me thoughtful presents, he took me on amazing holidays. The first time he told me he loved me was amazing. He set the mood, had cooked me a delicious dinner, had candles burning which he knew I loved, and he held me in his arms, looked into my eyes and told me he loved me and that one day I would be his wife. It sent shivers down my spine and for the first time in that relationship, I was smitten.

One day, my perfect boyfriend told me out of the blue he wanted to "cool it". It was all" moving too quickly". His words not mine. That was the day my world came crashing down. That was 8months ago. Today, I am sitting in my flat in Wandsworth, 7months pregnant with HIS baby, unable to sleep and wondering where it all went wrong. 

Did I read the signs wrong? Did he think he could use me like this? Baby is due in July and I am so hurt I have not told him about it. Should I ? I still love him, I am so confused and unhappy. I need some advice. 
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby twice_as_nice » Fri May 25, 2012 4:20 am

yes you should tell him. He has a right to know and you have a right to get support (financially and emotionally) from him. Given how intertwined your lives were (his friends were your friends etc) it's pretty amazing how he hasn't yet found out. I'm sure it would be better coming from you than someone else. Good luck.
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby juliantenniscoach » Fri May 25, 2012 7:36 am

ditto twice_as_nice comments. he may be as I was in my 30's. able to go to a point emotionally and happy at that point, but not sure of going further. tell him, he has a right to know.

but also, take advice, get your support/friends net work going. have you been to NCT, met expantant mums there? as harsh as it sounds do try to get out of this funk you are in. your baby is coming, good mood or not. I wish you all the best.
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby supergirl » Fri May 25, 2012 7:44 am

Good morning

Hope you are feeling a bit better this morning.
As the previous poster said you should tell him but without making him feel that he is cornered because you will not go back together. And if you do it is a bonus...
He has a right to know that he has a child and you have a right to support that s why you should tell him really. He will never forgive you if he found out one day that you have hidden from him one of the best joy of life.

You say you have lovely siblings and parents, can you go to them for a week or so or after the birth to be well looked after so you czn concentrate on you snd your baby?

Good luck. Sx
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Singlemum » Fri May 25, 2012 9:29 am

Good morning ladies,

So sorry for my rant, but I needed to get it off my chest to people who don't know me. I need unbiased and honest advice. I guess I am putting on a brave face to alm that know me, an "I'm ok attitude". Yet inside I am breaking up. I am so sad. I can be honest and tell you all how I really feel. I don't want my friends and family to feel sorry for me and know exactly how I feel. I don't want HIM to think I need him. But I do need him, I love him so much. How can he just decide its over like that without any warning. There were no signs. One day we were a loved up couple, the next he was as cold as ice. I just don't understand. I would do anything to get back with him, anything but I don't know if I could face the rejection again when I tell him I am carrying his baby and he STILL wants nothing to do with me.

Please keep your advice coming, it's giving me comfort.

Single mum to be.
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby sparkletiger » Fri May 25, 2012 1:57 pm

I'm so sorry to hear how things are for you. Being dumped when youre in love sucks. Nothing anyone can say can make that better. You gave a lot of details about you and this guy getting together but very little about how it ended. From what you say it sounds like he cooled off suddenly and you've not seen him since and since the you discovered you are pregnant?

As other posters have said you need to tell him. I'd recommend face to face if you can. It might help for him to see you pregnant. He may have just suddenly panicked about commitment, who knows, but may be ready to settle down. You'll never know unless you find out now.

He has a right to know and you and the baby need financial support. Believe me babies cost a lot of money!

You absolutely need support and need to be honest with at least someone real in your life. And to be blunt, tho this feels like it is about you and him now it will soon be all about the baby. Having a child is a huge and wonderful thing and you need to do what you can to get yourself as sorted as you can for this baby. Would it help to speak to a counsellor/therapist?

I wish you well and hope you are able to either sort things out with this relatio ship whether that is with you being together or apart but both loving and supporting this new life.

I hope we can help somehow. Xx
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby SFMC » Fri May 25, 2012 2:29 pm

how long did you two see each other?
As another person has said, how did it end? He said he wanted to cool it off and didn't see you again?

What has your friend's advice been to you about this all? Particularly after the pregnancy news? and your parents thoughts? As they have all met him I'm curious to see how they reacted.

And he has no idea you are pregnant?

First off he has a right to know. You've obviously decided to be a single mom and I congratulate you on your decision to make a life on your own with your new baby - with or without the guy. That is the most important first step.
Being a new parent, let alone a single parent is tough. You really need a good support group around you. I hope your family might be there to support you and you need to go to an NCT class to meet other expectant moms in your area. It will be tough to go to the class alone... but these people will become an important part of your and your baby's life and a great support to you.

Have you looked around to see if there are other single parent groups in the area you can join?

It sounds like you are still hopelessly in love with this guy. I expect perhaps there has been no closure - if he out of the blue said he wanted to cool things off. If he just disappeared I imagine you are just pining for him rather than angry or enraged by his actions.

I suggest you get some counciling to get an outside perspective on your feelings and the relationship. There are many free services and groups out there so you don't have to feel alone.

How he reacts when you tell him about the baby will indicate what kind of person he is. He may not want to be with you (as in a relationship), but hopefully he will be supportive to you and your baby in some way and thus be involved in your baby's life. I think it would be good for your future baby to have a relationship with his or her dad... I agree he also has financial responsibility towards the baby.

If he's such a city high flier it should be fine for him but you need to put yourself and your baby in the centre of things.

I strongly suggest you get support and start dealing with your emotions so you are in the best place emotionally when that baby comes.

If you don't tell him you'll never know.... But it will be a great shock to find his ex girlfriend 7 months pregnant. So give him time to deal with the news.

I have a lot of questions but hope that is somewhat useful in the meantime.

Also I know someone whose husband left him for his gym instructor WHILE she was pregnant. She and her baby are doing well and fine and enjoying life.

Sounds like you are a smart and beautiful woman. So will your baby.
REmember there are no right and wrongs in this situation about telling him. Just different paths things can take. So don't get stuck in the moment about telling him. Tell him so you can move on.

Good luck and I wish you all the best!
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Mrs Contractor Mum » Fri May 25, 2012 2:35 pm

Hey single mum,
What a long introduction into your relationship and I can understand why you are feeling heartbroken and have all these overwhelming feelings of romantic love. But very soon you are going to experience an even more powerful and unconditional love when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. Believe me that no matter how much you love the man that created the baby it is nothing compared to how much love you are going to feel for that warm bundle of joy that is handed to you.
From then on, your priorities are going to change because along with the intense love you will have for your baby, you will also do anything you can to give your baby the best of everything.
As a result, you need to decide before the baby arrives what you need in terms of support both at the birth,financially and as a continuous support after the baby is born.
Do you want both sets of grandparents to be involved? Can you manage financially as a single mum? You may be asked to prove the baby is the father's (and all the resulting insinuations this may entail) - will you be comfortable doing this?
The father has a right to know you are carrying his child and your child will need to know you gave him the option of being involved from day one so as everyone else has stated - do let him know. If you can't do it yourself than do so via an intemediary but make sure its before the baby is born.
I wish you all the very best and I am sure you will make the right decision for you and your baby.
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Karin1979 » Fri May 25, 2012 9:52 pm

I agree with the above posts, you have to tell him xx good luck
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Singlemum » Fri May 25, 2012 10:51 pm


Thank you for your comments and invaluable advice. I guess I have not been thinking straight and as the birth of the baby is drawing nearer, fear is setting in and the prospect of being a single mum is weighing heavy on my mind ( also being pregnant in this heat is no joke). I wished I had his support.

Just a few answers to your questions - we were together for 2.5years, he broke up with me 8 months ago. How did it end - from a very considerate attentive boyfriend, I noticed he was becoming much quieter and also snappy. I thought that was just the pressures of work and maybe if we both took a holiday together, it would ease the pressure I thought he was under. Also, although we did not live together, I stayed over at his apartment often and I had quite a few of my belongings there - shoes etc, anyway, he asked me not to leave them there anymore, which I thought was odd. When I asked him why, he just played it down. Said something about thinking of selling the apartment and was getting the Estate Agents in. I was so blinded by LOVE, if he had had his PA staying and said it was his live in Housekeeper, I would have believed him.

If he needs proof that this baby is his, I will gladly provide him with it. Although he knows fully well that I would never cheat on him, I was too besotted with him. It's not much fun going to NCT classes and being the only "partner less" pregnant lady in the class.

I guess you are all right, I need to pluck up some courage and tell him. I need to know why he suddenly "cooled it". what changed?? I picked up the phone and dialled his number this evening, but put it down before it connected. The problem is, in my mind, I want to get back with him. I want the " Happy family" that I dreamed of and I thought he also wanted. As I have mentioned before, I am still in love with him. The thought of him rejecting me AGAIN or even being with someone else scares me, but I know this may be a possibility and I have to deal with it and move on.

Do you think it might be better if I turned up at his apartment? Gosh, he will get a surprise when he see's me .

Ok, deep breath, refocus, I am going to call him. I need to tell him.

Thank you so much ladies. You are all amazing. I wish I had been on this site sooner. You have given me strength. strength to pick myself up, dust myself off and deal with this situation. Whether he wants this baby or not he needs to know.

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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby sparkletiger » Sat May 26, 2012 10:51 am

My heart really goes out to you. I agree with other poster that though you can't possibly understand this now the love you will feel for your child with be greater (and obviously different) to anyone else you've ever loved. Of course you are scared of his reaction but it is not just you that this is about now. Try to see things drom your future child's perspective. You need to be strong. Being strong also means getting the support - emotional practical and financial - that you need.

Good luck - hope you make that call and you can meet up like grown ups and take the next steps in this in a way that meets your child's needs as much as possible

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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby SusieL » Sat May 26, 2012 1:14 pm

Sorry to be the bearer of words you may not want to hear but it is possible he was cheating on you and so is currently in a new relationship that overlapped with yours. I thought I should probably suggest it in case you do have too rosy a picture of you falling into his arms and him kissing all the pain away. It may be that it's worse than him not wanting to be with you; he may be in love with someone else.

You do still need to tell him though- not just for you and him but for your little bundle who now needs to come first. Luckily, as has been said, your love for that baby will completely eclipse anything you've felt before. Make sure you get plenty of help (your ex can pay for it from the sounds of it). Good luck!
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby sparkletiger » Sat May 26, 2012 8:05 pm

Eclipse... Yes what a great way to put it
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Ally03 » Mon May 28, 2012 8:26 am

My heart goes out to you as 12 years ago I had a somewhat similar experience (won't go in to the details as this is not about me). I think you are a truly strong and courageous person to have done this on your own so far, I'm hoping you have a great support network of family and friends who are there for you.
Last edited by Ally03 on Mon May 28, 2012 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Soon to be a single mum!!!!

Postby Ally03 » Mon May 28, 2012 8:53 am

Forgot to add:
Of all the achievements in my life so far the one I am proudest of and has brought me the most happiness is my son. I hope it's the same for you
Last edited by Ally03 on Mon May 28, 2012 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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