Sweep and induction - advice needed please

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Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:42 pm

I'm due with my second one in 4 week's time and getting increasingly nervous. Due to an injury in my back, I have agreed with my consultant that they will induce me at 38+5. I'll have an epidural before they start. They've said that they will sweep me 8 days in advance of the induction.

I'm really after people's experiences and advice using this method. Does the sweeping hurt? Is it true that induction takes longer and is more painful? Are you more likely to have to use birthing aids, like forcepts? Someone advised me to say no to the drip, as it'll make the whole thing go too fast (=tearing and pain). Also, I'm now reading that labour could start as early as 72 hours after the sweep - which I don't want as the whole idea behind this is to be guaranteed an epidural from the word go?

I realise that every birth experience will be different, but I'd still love to know your experiences, especially if this happened to you pre 40 weeks

many thanks
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby sparkletiger » Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:59 pm

I don't have any experience of sweeps or
induction but i wondered if you'd considered a planned section? You may not want it. I had an emergency one first time as undiagnosed breech and planned second time as breech again. I really wanted natural births bit it wasn't to be. Section was much better than I'd ever expected. Doesn't answer your question but I was faced with induction etc before they discovered breech position so thought I'd throw it in
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:28 pm

Hey there
I'd love to have a planned c-section, but even with the injury they are adamant that they won't give it to me. The midwife even admitted to 'having to cut numbers', so I guess that's what it comes down to.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ckwmum » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:32 pm

Hi, I understand how nervous you're feeling, but the good news is that if the sweep works and you do go into labour afterwards then that's the ideal scenario really, it's not something you should be dreading. If it does make you go into labour, it should just lead to a fairly normal labour, ie starting off quite manageable pain-wise and building up. The reason they often offer an epidural rightaway alongside the drip is that some women find it can bring on stronger contractions faster than normal labour would bring them on, if that makes sense.

A sweep is more uncomfortable than painful, and if you're worried about the pain then you can always ask for some gas and air as they are doing it. It doesn't take very long, thankfully, but is kind of similar to an internal examination during labour, if you can remember having those.

The drip can make things go faster, or it can have very little effect, it really is very hard to tell how each woman/baby will react. They do their best by gradually building up the dose so you don't have a sudden jolt of the full dosage. It can lead to further interventions eg forceps, yes, and there's an increased chance of a cesaerean if it doesn't take effect quickly enough.

I was incuded at 38 weeks, had a sweep, then the gel, then waters broken, then the drip and none of it worked so it ended up as a cesaerean. My experience was really positive overall though, even if it wasn't what I'd hoped it would be.

If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ckwmum » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:33 pm

I forgot to ask, which hospital are you at?
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:50 pm

Hello ckwmum

Thanks for your insights. It's interesting that none of what you expected to happen, happened and that you still left with a positive experience. I think you've reminded me to keep an open mind on the day and kind of 'just go with flow'.

I'm at Chelsea and Westminister
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ckwmum » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:04 pm

That's where I had my first and am having my second baby there later this year. Do email if you have any specific questions about it or are looking for just want to chat about it all to hopefully feel a bit less nervous.

My experience was positive because I made it as positive as I could given the circumstances. But all the midwives there are brilliant and very supportive.

They are trying to reduce the numbers of cesaereans, everywhere but particularly at C&W, but don't for a minute think they would refuse you one if they thought you really needed one. And if they think you need one later on, they will definitely go right for it.

It's easy to say "just go with it", much harder to do, isn't it? But nobody knows how their birth experience will end up, no matter how they plan it in their minds so the best thing you can do is try to let whatever happen just happen and do your best to be OK with whatever happens.

But like I say, so much easier said than done!
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ketchup » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:14 pm

Hi! I have been induced twice and had a sweep once. The sweep was slightly uncomfortable, but nothing to worry about! The inductions were by drip and it went absolutely fine both times - all done in less than 12 hours. I can't compare it to a "normal" labour (if there is such a thing) because I haven't experienced it but I had an epidural both times because the contractions did come on quite quickly, but I didn't find the experience traumatic at all. Both times I was ready to leave hospital quickly.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ready2pop » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:34 pm

2 inductions and a sweep here too. The sweep is uncomfortable, but a breeze compared to actual labour so try not to worry.

With my inductions I went into labour after the gel and babies were delivered within the hour. No tears, no stitches, no epidural (too quick). So it can definitely go smoothly!

Good luck.

PS - I was 38 weeks first time, 37 second time.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:41 pm

thanks all for your wonderful replies!

ready2pop and ketchup - how many days between the sweep and the actual induction, please?
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ready2pop » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:46 pm

Mine were emergency inductions so sweep and first gel were done simultaneously.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby Raspberry-Sorbet » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:52 pm

Hi, I can see why you would be anxious about having a sweep 8 days before the induction as that seems like quite a gap but equally, it can take a few days to get things going! I think that with any labour question, the result is always unknown until you are there in the situation mainly because we all labour differently and subsequent labours can be very different. I think there are things that sometimes can help speed up / slow down a labour so for instance, if you don't want to go into labour spontaneously after your sweep, avoid any long walks or lots of stair climbing / bouncing on a birthing ball (the things that would help bring on labour although of course not guaranteed either way!)
With my last induction, I was 35 weeks due to a complication. They won't officially sweep before 37 weeks but when they gave me the first gel - they had a 'good look' (charming!) the secret is definitely to chat away and be as relaxed as possible. It was never going to be the best bit of my day but I did my best not to mind it. I rested after the first gel and nothing at all happen - I think because I was resting. After the 2nd gel, I walked around for a couple of hours, the contractions came in, and then my daughter was born, they had to estimate the length of 2nd stage labour as there was no time for examinations but they think it was less than an hour, I nearly passed out with the speed of it but no tearing or cuts etc. With my first induction, I had a sweep at 37 weeks, had a 'show' later that day, went the next day as planned, one gel, contractions started, tens machine only, no tears / cuts / instruments used and aside from the gel, every bit a natural birth, around 7 hrs. Had both girls feeding within 30 mins of giving birth (not sure they got much food initially but they were with me and having a go!) So certainly no bad experiences with my inductions.
What I would say, is that I don't know how data is collected and any opinions I have are formed from anecdotal stories from other mummies I have met but my own view is some ladies labour / dilate faster than others and some births seem to result in the need for forceps / c-sections perhaps because of how the body is labouring and not necessarily because the the labour is induced. I met one lady in hospital who had got to 10cms on gas and air, pushed for an hour then had a section because he was big and just couldn't get out the 'normal' route. I know other ladies who have been induced when they are over due but their bodies haven't progressed into labour at all. My guess would have been that once someone is 40 weeks, baby is ready to come out and induction would be easier but I don't think that pattern exists at all! Anyway, I am going off on a tangent, there are definitely positive induction stories and I hope yours goes well and if you do go into labour before the 8 days, they give you the epidural asap!
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:46 am

Thank you ladies, for all your advice and support, it's really helped me a lot. Nice to hear some good stories about this for a change
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby ketchup » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:06 pm

I think the sweep was about a week before the induction - it was done just after my due date so I guess it may be a little different for you.

Good luck - if it's any comfort, I wouldn't be worried if I had to go through it all again.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby mamabel » Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:38 pm

I had a normal delivery 1st time (albeit late) and induced 2nd time as he was late. Not much difference between the 2 experiences. I was dreading induction as I'd heard lots of horror stories but I was given the gel and a few hours later labour started - it was all very similar to 1st time and no need for forceps etc (and the baby was over 5kg!)
sweeps both times as I was overdue - not much fun quite uncomfortable but nothing to worry about and all over within a few minutes.
Good luck!
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