Postby willowshonker » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:47 am
With my first child I had 3 sweeps in the end, but the first one wasn't until 40 weeks! It was definitely uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. I have friends who've had a sweep and went into labour that day, you never how far gone you are, until they have a look.
My experience though was of several sweeps then induction. I was at St Thomas' . I had the pessary/gel induction about midnight, started fairly full on labour within an hour. A few hours later I had an epidural, and then the drip induction, but they had to stop that as both mine and my daughter's vitals went a bit mad. The induced contractions weren't unbearable, but they were a lot stronger than most of my natural labour with my second child. With my first, following them deciding to stop the drip I ended up having an emergency c-section. As she turned about to be 10lb 12oz it was probably best all round.
I had two completely different births, one highly interventional, the second very straightforward, but neither was too terrible.
With both births I found sitting up far more comfortable than lying down, the pain was significantly reduced. (I was being monitored both times so walking about wasn't an option.)
Best of luck!