Sweep and induction - advice needed please

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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby sandraletitia » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:35 am

A sweep is more likely to work the later it is left but as you could be someone who naturally goes into labour at 37/38 weeks, say, (not early/pre-term as TERM is defined as being from 37 weeks onwards) and they can repeat it a couple of days later, it has a good chance of helping. Where sweeps are used routinely there has been a reduction in the induction rates.
With induction it helps to remain as upright as possible - even with a low dose epidural this can happen, or at least to avoid sitting back on the bed - lying on the side also helps. Sitting back puts pressure on the vena cava, this large blood vessel in the back and can lead to the baby becoming distressed. Also when a woman labours off her bottom there is 27 - 30 % more room in her pelvis. As my younger son would say when he was MUCH younger - "true fact" :-)
All the best.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby willowshonker » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:47 am

With my first child I had 3 sweeps in the end, but the first one wasn't until 40 weeks! It was definitely uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. I have friends who've had a sweep and went into labour that day, you never how far gone you are, until they have a look.

My experience though was of several sweeps then induction. I was at St Thomas' . I had the pessary/gel induction about midnight, started fairly full on labour within an hour. A few hours later I had an epidural, and then the drip induction, but they had to stop that as both mine and my daughter's vitals went a bit mad. The induced contractions weren't unbearable, but they were a lot stronger than most of my natural labour with my second child. With my first, following them deciding to stop the drip I ended up having an emergency c-section. As she turned about to be 10lb 12oz it was probably best all round.

I had two completely different births, one highly interventional, the second very straightforward, but neither was too terrible.

With both births I found sitting up far more comfortable than lying down, the pain was significantly reduced. (I was being monitored both times so walking about wasn't an option.)

Best of luck!
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby sandraletitia » Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:45 pm

Hi there.
You can ask for a sweep to be repeated - especially if they are offering it quite a few days before an induction date. 3 days is a reasonable gap. It is true that the more women who have sweeps, the fewer women need induction. On first try the cervix may not play ball (they call it "unfavourable" !) but 3 days later it could be quite a different picture.
I have taught NCT classes for years and have come across many, many women for whom this seemed to really help.

All the best.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby lisepinnell » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:34 pm

Good luck
Last edited by lisepinnell on Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby Writerlady » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:38 pm

Both my children were ten days late, and had a two sweeps with both. First with midwife and totally ineffectual. Second was at St George's with doctor and was uncomfortable but no worse than a smear test. Both times went into labour about 10-12 hours later.
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby dansk1234dance » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:55 am

Hello everyone

The first sweep date is now only a week away and I've been booked in for a second one 3-4 days later before the induction.

Again, I must thank you all for your replies. Your stories have helped to calm me and I guess I feel a little better prepared for what's ahead hearing your advice and stories. Thank you!
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Re: Sweep and induction - advice needed please

Postby GES77 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:35 am

I had a planned induction at the C&W earlier this year after they refused a c-section request. It was hands down the easiest and most positive experience of my three pregnancies. The only downside is that it can take a while for things to start but once epidural was in and drip administered it was a pain free, relaxed affair until I had to make an effort and do some pushing! No tearing and the easiest recovery of the three by a mile.

I was so re dived in the end to not have a section as it meant I was moving within hours and able to hold my baby etc without being dependent on others to help. There was obviously no big wound that needed healing!

Good luck - pregnancy is a looooong old road and you are so nearly there!
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