there are still places on the 2hr hypnoBirthing pilot class running in Herne Hill, 2 - 4pm tomorrow, Sat 6th July. You'll learn breathing techniques, self hypnosis and stress release to help you have a much quicker, calmer and more comfortable birth.
HypnoBirthing techniques are incredibly effective and I'm still amazed, after teaching for 11 years, by the births achieved with hypnoBirthing.
If you'd like to join me the cost is £30pp, please bring partners and/or friends. This class will be small (max 8 people but probably fewer) so time for individual questions too.
There are also 2 places left on the 4hr Practical Workshop in the morning,£159 per couple, £89 single place - please contact me if you'd like to come to this.
Thanks, Kristin
07963 046 456