I really feel for you as I had PGP during both my pregnancies. For my first pregnancy, I went to see several osteopaths and physiotherapists; it did help but I was still in quite a bit of pain, and quite incapacitated by the end of my pregnancy. Unfortunately, in my case, the pain did not completely go away after the birth. It then flared up again at the start of my second pregnancy so I was referred to an NHS physio but that did not help. A friend of mine recommended a chiropractor who practises the McTimoney method. From the first session I felt significant improvement and was then able to go through the whole pregnancy with only minor discomfort. My baby is now 7 weeks old and I am pain free. The person I saw is called Maurice Lowe and I saw him in East Dulwich. The treatment is very very gentle and therefore suitable for pregnancy. His website is
http://www.mauricelowe.com or PM me if you want more details. There are other McTimoney practitioners in London but I have not seen them so can't recommend. There is a leaflet on PGP which the NHS physio gave me and it does have good tips which will help with not making your condition worse e.g. keeping both legs together when you get in and out of a car, or when you get out of bed. Whenever possible, avoid carrying anything heavy, although I know that is so hard with a toddler. Also, when your baby is delivered, avoid pushing lying on your back, as this made my condition worse after my first labour (for my second baby, I was kneeling on the bed and leaning against the raised head of the bed). Whichever treatment you go for, I really hope you will feel better soon.