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Postby lula » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:31 am

Has anyone got any recommendations on how to get rid of moths?
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Re: Moths

Postby robsm » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:33 am

Hi Lula

I am not sure how bad your moth problem is but we had a really bad one a couple of years ago and got some of the Rentokil spray (from Robert Dyas) and sprayed it in areas where they might be reproducing - eg. in the airing cupboard (they love warm and dark places). The only problem is it does stink the place out and it smells pretty toxic but I think it does zap them. Bit tricky in childrens rooms though and you would probably need to get them to sleep somewhere else so you give the room 24 hours to airate afterwards.
However, the problem for us was that when we moved into our house, we discovered that the previous owners clearly had had a serious moth problem as where their furniture had been, there were big patches where the moths had been munching away. So, I know this sounds brutal, but the way we finally axed them for good was ripping out the carpets and replacing them with a synthetic carpet (you wouldn't know the difference to touch or see the carpet, they look just as nice as wool ones) as the carpet was what the moths were "living off" apparently (we had got a rentokil man in), and what happens is the eggs live in and feed from the carpet and so you can never realyl get rid of them unless you take away their source of food.
I know it sounds really drastic but we tried so many things but it wasnt until we changed the carpet that the buggers went and I have not seen one since in 2 years!
FYI we got our carpet from a shop on Totterdown St in Tooting and it cost £1400 for a 1600 sq ft house (4 bedrooms) for the fitting and everything (and they moved the furniture) so pretty reasonable I think.

For the short-term, I would recommend putting any cashmere or woollens into plastic bags so the moths can't get to them and getting some of the moth ball things (again from Robert Dyas, but not the old fashioned stinky ones!) to go in your drawers and wardrobes. I don't think cedar balls really made a difference. The other thing is to hoover regularly, you need to get under furniture as they hate being disturbed. Finally, if you spot any, kill them, as then you have stopped that moth laying more eggs. So gross!!

Good luck!
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Re: Moths

Postby TraceyR » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:10 am

Hi Lula,
Sympathies, I've also really been struggling with moths this summer!
I've been using pheromone moth traps (non-toxic) - a pheromone attracts the male & they stick to the sticky pad, rendering them unable to fly/breed - I'd suggest getting these from Pest Direct (cheapest I've found), and using a spray too, and moth balls if you can handle the smell...

I had Lakeland moth spray recommended to me but I've not tried it yet - next on the cards to make sure the little blighters don't return!!!
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Re: Moths

Postby fionapm » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:04 am

I used the Lakeland spray on our carpet where the moths were dining on it. Did a great job. I would also get your carpet professionally cleaned to get the eggs out.

We got our moth traps from Charlotte Gaskell on Trinity Road - they are excellent.
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Re: Moths

Postby LKNorthcote » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:36 pm

The larvae are often the problem. They are mini, literally a few mm long and furry and they are often the cause.

Short of rentokil, as mentioned above, replacing carpets, washing ALL clothing and spraying in cupboards/rooms before putting clothes back is what my sister had to do when she had the same problem.

My Mother however, has just given me a tip - apparently conkers are good for prevention. I collected some this morning and have placed in cupboards.

good luck.
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Re: Moths

Postby Georgie001 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:46 pm

Hi Lula

I would agree with the previous posts and it does depend how big a problem you have. If it's the extreme end of the scale and they are everywhere then I would suggest a pest controller, especially if they are coming from under floorboards etc. Otherwise you might need to get all your carpets replaced although I would be tempted to get them cleaned first. I know a guy (Gary at Bristowclean on: 07949 084693) who has cleaned carpets for this specific problem. He used to have a dry cleaning shop in Fulham for years and so knows about the materials they go for and their life cycle etc. as he is used to seeing them/the damage they do to peoples clothes. He would probably also recommend you bagging up your cashmeres/wools etc. Apparently this year, because of the weather, there has been a dramatic increase in moths in the home. There is no point is new carpets or carpet cleaning if the moths are under floorboards etc but if you are not sure then the price of having your carpets cleaned professionally would be my first option. Good luck!
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Re: Moths

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:51 pm

Ditto robsm's post.

Was never a real problem until we carpeted upstairs. Then total war. Slowly but surely after the moths ate one room's worth we are getting rid. The toxic bombs work and regular vacuuming in all nooks and crannies.

Ultimately we'll get rid of the carpets (which I never wanted, but don't tell you know who).
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Re: Moths

Postby mummyof1 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:38 pm

Having tried all the solutions put forward by posters i would say the moth traps from Charlotte Gaskell on Trinity Road -are the best long term solution and the cheapest option. We now have 2 bedrooms with holes in the carpet but they are not getting worse. The traps seem to have stopped the cycle - took about 3 months. In one bedroom we have had to get rid of the carpet as the infestation was so bad. I wouldnt again put carpets in the bedrooms as i just think the whole area has moths and unless every household works to get rid of them they will continue to eat their way through our carpets.
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