I am a London based mum and I have just launched a parenting app for iPhones. It is called Quick Kids and was developed because I have a 7 year old son who takes forever to do almost everything - getting ready for bed/school, tidying his room, doing homework (the list goes on!) This App links an interactive count down timer to a star chart. Children are challenged to hit the stop button before the clock counts down to zero so that they get a star (and ultimate reward). This results in tasks being completed much more quickly, meaning parents do less moaning, nagging and shouting - making life a little less stressful!
If you have a dawdler, daydreamer or slowcoach driving you potty, then this could just save your sanity too!!
It is currently free to download from iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/quick-ki ... 67693?mt=8