Postby nuttymummy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:32 pm
My first (long!) labour ended up with a very frantic episiotomy and forceps. Thinking I'd pretty much 'been there, done that' I had a natural delivery for my second and got a third degree tear. For my third I went straight for the c-section (most consultants seem to pretty much give you a green card to elect a section when you've had a 3rd degree though midwives will always try to persuade you to give it another go). The actual section itself was very calm, relaxed & easy (and I only had to spend one night in C&W) however don't underestimate the recovery period required!! To be honest the reason I went for the section was not because of the recovery time etc from the third degree tear but because I was really mentally scarred by the experience of the labour & immediate aftermath with the tear etc (I was in such a state for the first few hours after I couldn't even hold my new baby & subsequently didn't let my husband near me in any intimate way for a very long time). However, looking back I have to say that the physical recovery from a third degree tear in comparison to a section was for me, on balance, easier- I was certainly able to look after both children on my own with no assistance (other than paternity leave!) after the tear but after the section it was not in any way easy to keep up with a four year old, a toddler & look after a new born. That said, it was the right decision for me at the time. BUT if I were to go for a 4th (which I'm not!) I would probably seriously consider trying a natural delivery again. My sister had a 3rd degree with both her babies and says that second time round it's really not so bad as you at least know exactly what you're dealing with. I probably haven't helped at all one way or the other but obviously everyone's point of view will be different. If you're really not sure you can always request the section so you've got it booked and then change your mind once you've had more time to think. Good Luck!....just realised how long this is - sorry!