Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

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Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby mumtoafew » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:19 pm

Apologies for the slightly gory topic! I had my son 3 years ago and he was almost two weeks late so I was induced at St Thomas' and had a very long labour. (48 hrs). Eventually I gave birth naturally but had third degree tears and enough bleeding to be offered a blood transfusion, but I was borderline so declined.

I am now 18 weeks pregnant for second time and considering options. I have some other health issues which shouldn't affect delivery, but do mean i am unlikely to have more children and I feel strongly that I want to take as few risks as possible.

The post natal care I got from st Thomas' was appalling and I stayed in the ward one night but it was so grotty I am concerned about staying again for longer in event of a c-section.

I'm now wondering what I should do this time round. I would prefer a natural delivery if I can, but don't want such bad tears again. Is there anyone out there with similar experience and subsequent fairly stress free birth?

I think the consultant will be fairly sympathetic to the option of a c section so I'd like to understand what the recovery really is like if I went down that route.
Any tips appreciated!

With many thanks!
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby kaz » Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:28 pm


I had a terrible first birth too. Three days in labour that ended with forceps and an episiotomy. I was in agony for weeks afterwards and I must agree the postnatal care wasn't the best at STT so only managed to stay one night.

When i found out i was pregnant again, the first thing i said to my midwife was I want a c section as i was petrified of going through the same thing again. After a lot of thinking i decided to try and have a natural birth again and i cant tell you how happy i am that i did. It was the most amazing thing. Quick and almost painless (comparing to the first birth). And no tears or episiotomy. I was up two hours later changing my daughter and feeling great. And even the post natal care was better - they let me stay in the home from home delivery room for two days. I couldn't believe it myself.

I know there is never a guarantee that you'll have an easier second birth and its a decision you need to make but thought i share my story to let you know that stress free natural birth does happen.

Good luck!
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby townieatheart » Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:47 pm

I too had an episiotomy and 3rd degree tear with my first birth and had 4 horrid lonely nights post delivery in St Thomas's. During my second pregnancy I was extremely nervous about having a similar experience but I needn't have worried, I only had a little tear which didn't even require stitches. I stayed in home from home until morning, as my baby arrived at 1am, and by 5pm that day I was at the park with my eldest feeling fine.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby mumtoafew » Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:05 am

Both thank you so much, very encouraging replies!
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby fuzzlet » Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:21 pm

I've got lots of friends in London Bridge who suffered from a similar experience at St Thomas'. I know it's really hard to think positively about a natural birth after such a traumatic first, but I agree with the other poster who said a natural birth can be the most wonderful thing. IF you choose to go down that route though, I'd really recommend you put the work in first - if only to reduce your understandable anxiety. I did Natal Hypnotherapy and loved it so much I became a practitioner! You can find me at or there is a list of practitioners on the NH website. Good luck!
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby kookiegoddess » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:26 pm

I had a 3c tear after my 1st and really wanted a natural birth for my 2nd. All I can say is to gather a bit more info about yr own tear, what degree, if any damage remains, and request to speak with a consultant, pref the person who operated on you/stitched up the tear. This will help you establish the likelihood of tearing again. If it was a 3a tear I would say go for a natural birth this time, but if it was more complicated than that, then follow your consultant's advice. I felt it was important for my self confidence not to risk my sexual health or inflict any long term damage! Also do your research now by all means, but be prepared to wait until much later in yr pgcy to make a final decision. It will be hard for doctors to advise you right now. I have definitely read of mums with 3a tears going on to have natural births tho with little or no problems.
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby nuttymummy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:32 pm

My first (long!) labour ended up with a very frantic episiotomy and forceps. Thinking I'd pretty much 'been there, done that' I had a natural delivery for my second and got a third degree tear. For my third I went straight for the c-section (most consultants seem to pretty much give you a green card to elect a section when you've had a 3rd degree though midwives will always try to persuade you to give it another go). The actual section itself was very calm, relaxed & easy (and I only had to spend one night in C&W) however don't underestimate the recovery period required!! To be honest the reason I went for the section was not because of the recovery time etc from the third degree tear but because I was really mentally scarred by the experience of the labour & immediate aftermath with the tear etc (I was in such a state for the first few hours after I couldn't even hold my new baby & subsequently didn't let my husband near me in any intimate way for a very long time). However, looking back I have to say that the physical recovery from a third degree tear in comparison to a section was for me, on balance, easier- I was certainly able to look after both children on my own with no assistance (other than paternity leave!) after the tear but after the section it was not in any way easy to keep up with a four year old, a toddler & look after a new born. That said, it was the right decision for me at the time. BUT if I were to go for a 4th (which I'm not!) I would probably seriously consider trying a natural delivery again. My sister had a 3rd degree with both her babies and says that second time round it's really not so bad as you at least know exactly what you're dealing with. I probably haven't helped at all one way or the other but obviously everyone's point of view will be different. If you're really not sure you can always request the section so you've got it booked and then change your mind once you've had more time to think. Good Luck!....just realised how long this is - sorry!
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby hjm » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:38 pm

Have you heard of the Epi-no?

It might be worth trying. I used it for both of my babies and had no tearing. After the first birth there was some grazing, but nothing after the second and i swear that is down to the Epi-no. I have recommended it to friends who have found the same.

Whatever you do, good luck.
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Re: Natural delivery after 3 deg tear?

Postby nuttymummy » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:25 pm

If you decide on the natural route the epi-no is definitely worth a go....not that it did me any good (see post above!) but the friend who recommended it to me has had 3 naturally (including a 9lb10oz whopper first time round) with barely a graze!!
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