Fertility clinics

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Fertility clinics

Postby fletch333 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:12 am

Hi there
I am looking for a recommendation for a good fertilty clinic. I have already had an appt with one but wasn't happy, it felt very cold and clinical(strangely enough!) and very much like a sales pitch for IVF with very few checks done.
There seems to be so many out there- v.confusing.
I would feel much happier going to one that had been recommended-
Can anyone help please?
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby coolmum » Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:45 pm


I had both of my children through IVF and other fertility treatment before them. I did my IUI's at the Bridge Centre but would t reccomend. I have two friends who went there and they lost their embryos on ET and they said I had clear tubes when actually they were severely blocked.

Would highly reccomend Guys assisted conception unit. Its a new clinic and the staff are lovely. IVF is expensive and we decided to pay an extra £700 to have the same consultant who monitored all my drugs, did all my blood tests, scans, EC and ET. I really think if you can afford it get a consultant to do everything otherwise it will be a nurse and I think you need the same person monitoring you all the way through. His name was Tarek el Toukhy. I know it's a male but he really has been brilliant.

Apart from this clinic ARGC is supposed to be amazing although a big waiting list even for private.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby Twirly » Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:59 pm

I had both my children via ICSI at the Lister. Couldn't recommend it more- a great place. Two children out of two rounds of treatment. No complaints and great service.

There's a fantastic independent website called fertilityfriends.co.uk that can give you loads of personal recommendations and read stories/experiences of others going through the same.

Good luck with it. It's highly stressful but 100% worth it.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby fletch333 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:49 pm

Thank you both so much for the info. I'm waiting to see my results from tests my GP is doing but I did hear that as I have a very low AMH level(which I had done at clinic before) I may not be able to get any NHS help as they don't consider it's worth it.
I really want to pick the right one if thats our only option, thanks for the words of encouragement as have been feeling so despondant, I really need to start thinking positive!
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby Jen66 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:50 pm

Might be an idea to look at a website called Fertility Friends - endless info there on IVF clinics and reviews etc.

A friend of mine used CRM and was very impressed with them.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby lalectrice » Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:10 pm

I believe that the Lister has relatively good results for women with low AMH levels, accepting patients that even other private clinics aren't keen to treat. So says a friend with low AMH/high FSH who is being treated there currently.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby swayam2003 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:36 pm


I cannot recommend ARGC highly enough! They have the highest success rate in the country and even though Lister is well reputed, ARGC's success rates are streets ahead. I suggest you do your homework and read up on ARGC vs. other clinics so that when you eventually settle on a clinic, you vest your faith in it wholeheartedly.
I had 4 (failed) rounds of IUI at the Lister which is not the issue because the percentage of success out of IUI is quite low but my husband and I simply didn't connect with the consultant. He never read our case before our very expensive consultation sessions with him and would ask us the most basic questions, the answers of which were glaring at him from our file in his hand!!!!

It takes a hard stomach to muster ARGC (as if IVF isn't brutal enough as it is) because they adopt a personalised but very full on method of treatment. No 2 people's treatments (types of drugs or dosage of drugs administered) will be the same. Around half way through the treatment, you will need to go in for blood tests at 7.30am every day for a couple of weeks, sometimes twice a day (the dosage of drugs you will be asked to administer, will be dependent on how your body reacts to each dose).

Don't be put off by the external facade of ARGC - you'll think you're stuck in a time warp as it's a computer free place that relies on old-school style files/paperwork! Also, it's not very personal in that you're in a large waiting room with all the other patients and consultations (apart from the ones with the doctors) take place in an open room but take solace in knowing that all those other people out there know exactly what you're going through! I used to chat to some of the other girls who were undergoing IVF and I always came away thinking that my situation isn't that bad so it helps you to remain level headed.

I had 1 failed attempt of IVF and my beautiful twin babies were conceived via a frozen embryo round - all at ARGC. The doctors are very clued on and all those who I went on to recommend ARGC to, now have perfect babies (mind you, they are known for their multiple pregnancies ;-)!!

Good luck! Please don't lose hope though....I say this from experience. I never thought I'd be pregnant and here I am now...everything we went through to get this far is water under the bridge. I'm certain you'll eventually emerge on the other side, stronger and victorious :-) If you want to have a chat, I can PM you my number - please don't hesitate to contact me as I'm happy to help. Only someone who has gone through the pain of wanting to conceive and then not being able to, can fully empathise with your situation.


PS - Please don't be guided by ARGC's price list as advertised. You will no doubt end up spending a fortune as you have to pay for every single blood test. Some of the blood tests (to check for killer blood cells) will be sent to Chicago and those tests cost a cool 900 quid a pop!
My suggestion would be to try to talk to your GP - if you have a lovely, understanding one like I did, you may find that you can get some of the drugs (pessaries, some injections) on prescription which will help to save some money at least! But as I stated earlier in this message, we don't even think about how much it cost us to have our little darlings - to quote Khaled Hosseini from The Kite Runner, "for them, a thousand times over" :-)
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby marmite » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:51 pm

I have been around the block on this one - having one child successfully through IVF and sadly not achieving a second but 11 more treatments. After seeing a few clinics, I would highly recommend Mr Geoffrey Trew - you can see him in Harley Street but he also runs the highly acclaimed Hammersmith unit - who specialise in difficult cases ... He is very good. ARGC are controversial - great success rate but throw the book at you i.e. keen on steroids etc. which may or may not always be needed and the jury is still out on the effects this kind of more controversial approach can have on children later in life. I know this a controversial thing to say but this is the advice I have been given from a number of specialists - albeit ARGC do not prescribe the steroid etc. approach for everyone ... subject to tests etc. Personally I liked Mr Trew for his straightforward and altruistic approach.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby coolmum » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:54 pm

ARGC sounds very similar to Guys assisted conception unit. I was going in every morning and then would get a personal call from my consultant every afternoon to adjust my medication dose.

I had a friend go to the Lister and believe they are very expensive in comparison. Most important thing is finding success rates and bonding with your consultant.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby swayam2003 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:30 pm

Thanks for the feedback, Marmite - after having had my babies through IVF at ARGC, I shall now be paranoid about the effects of steroids based on your findings! :-(
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby fletch333 » Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:55 am

Thanks everyone for the advise, much appreciated.x
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby Raspberry-Sorbet » Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:49 pm

swayam2003 - I just wanted to put a note to say that unless there has been a specific research study into the use of steroids during IVF and the subsequent health / development of an infant, I personally think that it is not that helpful for any health professional to suggest that there may be long term consequences. Perhaps there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest this but that would still rely on someone somewhere collecting data on problems with newborns born to mothers who had taken the steroids in pregnancy, including exact doses, number of days taken, particular type of steroid, the exact concern of the newborn and if that concern / condition / problem in facts links to something else such as a genetic condition.

So if no studies have been done, then of course it is true to say that no one knows the effects of steroids on the newborn but not knowing doesn't automatically mean there will be a problem. It is incredibly difficult to get anything licensed for use in pregnancy, in particular because of the thalidomide disaster. Any product needs to have very large controlled studies and understandably it is hard to recruit pregnant women to trials. I know a little about all of this through some charity work that I do albeit not specifically linked to IVF and what I am trying to say is, try not to worry about the steroids you have taken as I suspect that if even only a handful of people had felt that the use of steroids in their pregnancy had affected their baby, it would be widely reported by now. I have not had IVF myself and have no affiliation to any IVF clinic so this is not a biased view, just objective based on knowing that the ARGC have been around for a long time.

On a side note, a couple of my friends that have had their treatments at ARGC have commented that when they have mentioned Dr Taranissi to other obstetricians, there has been some consistent eye rolling! So perhaps his techniques are not favoured or even a touch of the green eyed monster from other doctors as he does appear to have the largest success rates. Anyway, that is just my take on it, I am not casting any views over the doctor that Marmite mentions. Of course, to the original poster, I hope you have success.
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby DaisyLady » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:21 am

We used the Chelsea and Westminster assisted conception unit. They are cheaper than private clinics as some patients nhs and some private and not out to make money. We had three rounds; one miscarriage,twins and a failed cycle. We looked at switching clinics but decided to stay where we were. It's very stressful and I decided I couldn't cope with the ARGC. Be very careful when you look at clinics "success" rates. One I looked at had a 70% success rate on their website but the hfea website said it was less than 50%. They test so early that you are pregnant but like all pregnancies a high number very sadly end in miscarriage. The hfea shows live births. A clinic with a set amount is helpful so you know how much you will pay. Ivf is expensive but so are kids. Ivf is generally Less than a term of private school fees!!
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby MrsKP » Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:01 am


Just wanted to throw another thought into the pot - not sure whether you are working but location can be key. I chose the Lister as it was relatively close to my office and it's also possible to drive (park in Battersea Park). This may sound trivial but IVF is very time consuming - frequently I would go for a scan or blood test and end up being there for 2 hours by the time I had waited for scan/had scan/seen nurse/collected prescription etc. This is extremely stressful if you have just "popped out of the office" and end up being gone for 3 hours. I know the ARGC (as previous poster mentioned) often ask for you to have two blood tests a day. I know some people just take the whole time off but that isn't always good either as means you concentrate entirely on the IVF and I found it better to be distracted with work!
I have been going to Lister for five years (I do have a two year old out of it!) and whilst it does feel like a "machine" at times, and the waiting room has a very depressing feel to it I have been very impressed with the individuals who work there (there has been very little staff turnover) and they offer free counselling etc too.
Good luck!
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Re: Fertility clinics

Postby fletch333 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:07 pm

Thanks, I was wondering about location too, I'm in Balham and work from home but it would be better to not have to travel too far so Lister would be good for that. Having said that I've found that I'm actually not getting much work done due to depression. I wondered if anyone else has been depressed as a result? My GP has given me some antidepressants- amitriptyline which are supposed to be safer than other more modern anti-d's should I manage to get pregnant. I am still worrying though as I would prefer to be off them but at the moment really need the extra help and I think if we do go ahead with IVF my stress levels are only going to get worse!
Thanks for the info about success rates, will make sure I check the hfea results.
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