Your opinions please!!..

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Your opinions please!!..

Postby Mumstwo » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:56 pm

Hi NV net mums!

I would really appreciate our thoughts/ opinions on this...

I had baby no2 in May and decided to buy a Bugaboo Donkey with my ever dwindling cash as I spend a lot of time pacing the streets of Clapham!

Since then I've had 3 faulty tyres (a recognised fault in Donkeys) which after wrong parts delivered, long lead times etc, translates into over 2 months of pushing my pram with a flat!

I can't tell you how heavy it is to push with a 2 yo and 6 month baby in it and a flat tyre. I have suffered back and neck problems as a result. It has effected my everyday life as I've had to stay in as I couldn't face pushing the pram anymore.

Last week it happened again and I'm at my wits end. I called customer service and I get a new tyre, again, next week, I hope. However, I am really concerned about the chassis, this pram cost a lot, it is an investment piece to me and I was banking on it lasting if I am lucky enough to have baby no3 but after this hard wear I expect it will collapse by then. It is very creaky already! After all you wouldn't drive a car with a flat for 8 weeks and expect the chassis to be okay.

I asked Bugaboo to replace it and after everything I've put up with I didn't think this was unreasonable. They said no, flat, because it is not faulty, and closed the book on me.

I feel hard done by....what do you think, should they replace my chassis? If you think they should please post below, if enough of you do they might reopen the book, if you don't think they should then I will feel less hard done by!

Thank you!!
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby CMDS » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:15 pm

I think they should. Someone I knew bought a SECOND HAND Phil and Teds, after a few months in use, it had a visible crack in the chassis, coming loose of the chassis, they contacted Phil and Teds directly and got new a pram the same week. Super customer service! That was even for a second hand one. That means they really want to have an image of long lasting prams!
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby mrs_pavlova » Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:50 am

My chassis snapped on my Phil and Ted too, and they replaced the whole chassis by return of email. Buggabo should do the same. Can you go back to where you bought it from directly? Always better to speak to someone directly?

Good luck x
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby Raspberry-Sorbet » Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:28 am

I have a friend who had to resort to standing in their office (it's somewhere in London) until they agreed to swap parts / fix the problems. A lot of hassle but they had to deal with the issue quite quickly that way!
Not that I think that excuses the poor customer service that you report. Not easy for you.
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby hjm » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:46 am

Totally agree with the previous posters. We had a problem with a Phil and Ted's, which was replaced without question, and with a Micralite, which was repaired within an hour of my call to say it was faulty. Sounds like Bugaboo needs to up its game.
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby CMDS » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:57 am

In meanwhile my own Stokke wheel broke by slightly bumping into a rised pavement, resulting in pram on the floor and the fabric of the pram torn. I contacted the retailer Back In Action AND Stokke themselves on Friday. I am now anxiously waiting for their reply and hope they replace the whole thing or the wheel and the fabric as the pram is only 10m old... Thank God the baby was clipped in, so she never touched the floor with her head! Mommies Always always secure the baby, as even the most stupid bumps can cause damage!
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Re: Your opinions please!!..

Postby CMDS » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:58 am

CMDS wrote:In meanwhile my own Stokke wheel broke by slightly bumping into a rised pavement, resulting in pram on the floor and the fabric of the pram torn. I contacted the retailer Back In Action AND Stokke themselves on Friday. I am now anxiously waiting for their reply and hope they replace the whole thing or the wheel and the fabric as the pram is only 10m old... Thank God the baby was clipped in, so she never touched the floor with her head! Mommies Always always secure the baby, as even the most stupid bumps can cause damage!
Happy to inform everyone that Stokke just called, they are replacing the chassis tomorrow and I can pick a new cover from a retailer. So Yes, Bugaboo should really up their service to keep up with competition!
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