advice needed

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advice needed

Postby ten_green_bottles » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:09 pm

I am due to leave my current nanny position at the end of January. I have acrewed 3 days annual leave that I have not taken however my employer has told me that as they have already taken 10 off at their choice as their holiday entitlement that it would be unfair for me to take the days off and have basically said I can't take the holidays that I feel I should get.

Ia this right? Can they do this? o don't want to make a big thing of it as I would love to keep in contact with their little girl after they have moves out of the area
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Re: advice needed

Postby supermummy » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:25 pm

When you leave employment your employer is legally obliged to pay you for any remaining holiday which you have not taken ( pro rata for the proportion of the year you have worked). You are also obviously entitled to take leave under the terms of your contract so it depends what that says. When does your holiday year start? if you will not have worked a full year are they saying the final 3 days would take you over your pro rata entitlement?
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