Hi all,
My three year old little girl was always a good sleeper but for the last nine months we have had increasing issues with sleeping through the night.
Basically,she wakes up 2-4 times a night crying. Sometimes moany/ wailing, often a full on screamy tantrum (legs kicking/ thrashing etc). We ask her gently what the matter is and there never seems to be a reason.
After crying for a bit we can generally give her a cuddle and settle her back to sleep - but the whole drill takes about 15 mins by which time I am wide awake and unable to get back to sleep easily.
She has a gro clock night light and a cup of juice by the bed. She doesnt seem to be having bad dreams or anything. I have actually sat in her room waiting to see how she wakes up - if there are any signs of nightmares etc. But she seems to be peacefully asleep one minute and then full of crying the next.
She also cries when she wakes up in the morning - which is always a crappy start to the day!
I suspect that at least some of this behaviour is about attention seeking.
My husband and I are exhausted (we also have a 7 month old baby!) and I am at the point where I cant take any more.
I'm considering a sleep consultant, or maybe cranial osteopathy but I dont know whether she is too old for that? Should we just let her cry it out for a few nights?
Any advice gratefully received!