Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

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Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby lrsmum » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:11 pm

I'm due to give birth to my 2nd child very soon at St Georges and am hearing from other 2nd time mums that the hospital has been less than accommodating with requests for epidurals. While I accept that sometimes the anaesthetist may be in theatre or busy with other patients, I am horrified to hear of midwives blatently ignoring requests from mums and using every trick in the book to avoid giving epidurals.
I also have heard from a very reliable source who works in obstetrics that St Georges actually have a 'policy' to not give epidurals to 2nd time mums as labour is usually much quicker and is therefore just not cost effective.
After a long, difficult and traumatic drug free labour with my first child, I am growing increasingly more anxious that I may be faced with this situation and hoped there may be some ladies willing to share their experiences, good or bad!

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience, I know it can be traumatic to relive these experiences.
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby dansk1234dance » Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:07 pm

lrs, I can't give you any specific insights. I gave birth there in 2009 and didn't have any problems really, although I was quick to stress that I'm asthmatic and 'likely to have an attack if in panic mode'. Not really true, but I wanted to make sure I was given one.

However, I've recently given birth to my second child at CW and they were extremely accommodating with the epi and even gave me a spinal block in the time of need (this was the case for a friend too). I guess I'm saying that if the feedback on here is negative or you feel anxious there's always the possibility of swapping hospitals..

good luck!
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby ready2pop » Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:51 pm

I think St George's are pretty reticent about epidurals. I've given birth there twice and not managed to get one. That being said, I had ridiculously quick labours (both under 90 minutes), so it may have been as they said and there just wasn't time.

I think what happens is that if you start off ok, they try to persuade you out off the epi so I'd suggest stressing to your midwife at every appointment that you found your first labour traumatic and are certain you need an epi this time. Tell this to the mw as soon as you arrive in labour too.

Also worth mentioning that I have a midwife friend who works at a hospital in the North of England and says they also try to avoid epis if they think the mother is managing well so I guess it is the same everywhere.

Good luck!
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby lrsmum » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:27 am

Thank you ladies for your responses.
My blood pressure has been quite volatile so I think I'm just going to play on that as I'm fairly sure the immense pain of labour will make it spike!
I've requested my notes from St Thomas' which will show what a traumatic labour I had 1st time arouns, so hopefully someone will take pity!
Thanks again.
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby svetko » Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:03 pm

Hi there. I gave birth to my 2nd one in St George's last year in August with no pain relief due to very quick labour. I was in the hosp at 12 noon to be induced ( 10 days overdue) and the process started at about 4pm. My waters broke at about 6pm and I was in horrible pain shortly. My contractions were non stop literally with no break. I was crying and begging my husband to go home ( I know stupid but could not take the pain). Then I begged the MF for epi and she said only 2cm so no epi. Gave me paracetamol. Later at around 10 I was shaking with pain and asking her for epi she said she could give me pet hiding which I refused because with 1st baby pet hiding knocked me off and made labour very difficult. She went out to 'look for delivery bed and discuss with her team to give me epi'. Se was gone for an hour. Then I felt the baby coming and called her. When she came and started telling me that they will move me shortly to a delivery bed and I told her that the baby is coming out she panicked and called all Mw. They were not prepared at all and had to have all gear in the room in a second. They brought a delivery bed in no time and asked me to moved to it. Haha, I could not move with pain. Thnx God there was my hubby and about 6 MW to move me. My baby came out 30 min later with the help of a doc and ventouse. Forogt to say that when the baby started coming my hubby asked for gas and they gave me to find out after the delivery that hey had forgotten to switch it on. I am laughing now but the pain back then was crazy. The good thing is that I am very grateful to all the docs and Mw in st George for their hard work now and with 1st one ( labour induced, broken placenta, blood loss, etc- all because of preeclampia. All finished well. My girl now is extremely active 4.5yrs). I was up and taking a shower an hour after giving birth. Remarkable. No pain after that and very fast recovery.
Do not panick . Everything will be ok. The staff are really good and although they seem reluctant to do some things they will do everything to make you and your baby feel good.
Sorry about the long post . Hope did not bore you
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby dailymail » Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:03 pm

I requested one and was given it without question. This was for my first-born and it was last year. Hope this reassures...
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby momtomum » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:05 pm

As an American mum used to hospitals that almost force moms to have epidurals, I find it sort of refreshing that the hospital would encourage moms to try on their own. More than anything, I think it's important to respect the mum during labour and to listen to what she needs, but in some ways you Brits have it great. In the hospital where I had my kids near Seattle, Washington, there was a huge amount of pressure to put moms "on the clock" as soon as they were admitted and to rapidly do more and more interventions. Many moms end up with Pitocin, the nurses breaking their water and then an epidural. And as a result? The c section rate is like 40%. A c section is no picnic...especially when it could have been avoided if the hospital had not pushed interventions. Midwifery care is VERY rare in the US and most of the time the doctors in the states push for interventions because they make more money off of c sections than natural labour!

I had two of my kids with an epidural and one without. My favourite experience by far was my natural birth. The second time around it can truly be easier. But honestly the most important thing that time was that my midwives were truly supportive - I felt respected and listened to. In my first birth, I was forced into having an epidural and it was horrible. Third time around, I chose an epidural and that was a very different experience. I think the most important thing epidural or not is feeling like your needs are honoured.
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby lawrence » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:22 pm

I had my children at st.georges and had a great experience ,despite having had epidural didn't do much for me,wish I didn't had it the pain to insert he epidural was terrible and didn't eased my pains.i can highly recommend st George's.recently I assisted my friend at her labour at st Mary's university hospital Norwood wow!what a care,she had full time midwife the whole nite until baby arrived!staff were so good so caring,they didn't leave my friend for a minute,excellent patient care.doesnt look appealing from outside,but once u r in u can see clean environent,nice warm staff,it's a small ward,but seemed to me mums r getting lots of one to one care,well done for st Mary's at Norwood,highly recommended !
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby cuqui03 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:34 pm

I wouldn't know but was not impressed by the NHS system anyway. Decided to have my baby abroad privately going back to my family home. Moved there at 8 months so most of the check-ups were NHS. Had a massive fibroid (15cm diameter) so was quite scared but just managed to see one consultant once.
When I finally moved to Spain what was my surprise when after breaking waters and getting ready they bring the guy for the epidural and tells me that in the blood tests done by the NHS the key parameter of blood they need is not there so he can't go ahead. Luckily they did a test and had to wait for an hour for results which were ok after which I was given the epidural and baby was born 90 min later.
Can't believe they hid that from me!
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby pie81 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 1:52 pm

I don't know many second time mums only first time. Amongst that group however, the women I know who have had to fight for an epidural (and in some cases never got one) were the ones at St Thomas's rather than St G.

I do know someone who was given an epidural at St G but it didn't work...they only realised just before her emcs
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby HappyMumSW11 » Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:56 pm

i am reading these posts with great interest as i had my first 2 kids at C&W where i got an epidural each time but as we moved to Clapham, i chose St G for my number 3. Now i am getting scared as i had quite long labours and i wouldn't have managed without epidural...
i just hope they are not trying to save some money on us by not giving us the epidural: every woman is different, every labour is different and they should not be the ones deciding if we should have one or not.
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby SFMC » Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:08 am

I had a really great birth experience at St. George's (but was a planned c-section) and had excellent after care. I couldn't fault it. Far better than St. Thomas' but under two very different circumstances!
If you are anxious about it I would ask to speak to the head midwife or maternity nurse and clarify their policy and procedures regarding an epidural.
I'm sure there must be a standard NHS policy regarding this but it is important you understand what will happen if and when you request one at the hospital and the circumstances when they will reluctant to give one.

What they do give at St.G's and not at St.T's is pethidine. I have NOT heard good things about this drug - i.e. it makes you really out of it but doesn't do much for the pain. So I would look into this as well at St.G in case it is offered to you before an epidural so you are know if you want it or not.

Best wishes for the birth!
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby Widger » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:28 am

I had all three children at St Georges and couldn't fault it. First time epidural no problem. Second time I demanded one as was in serious pain. To be fair, the anaesthetist was there ready to give it to me but I'd progressed so quickly it was too late (she'd come within 10 mins of asking for it too). I managed it without epidural without actually wanting to!

Really try to relax about it all because if you go in expecting it to be horrendously painful it will probably make you tense up even more. I have recently had third child and all three of my experiences were totally different. In fact, I managed the Carmen suite without the safety of epidural even though my baby was back to back again. I really focused on not thinking about how awfully painful it was going to be but how I'd managed it before and I was in hospital so could be transferred downstairs if I wanted/needed it. Suffice to say, I didn't but knowing I could gave me a little safety net.

Have you thought about reflexology or listening to hypnobirthing at home? I honestly think this time round the positive way of thinking made everything much more manageable. I was definitely in the terrified of labour camp all three times but have managed two labours without epidural.

Good luck
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby headshrinker » Mon Dec 08, 2014 10:32 am

I got one (much needed) when 1cm dilated at St George's (yes, there is no minimum despite what they might tell you!). Midwife said I didn't need it but asked the Consultant and he said yes immediately. MW looked at length of labour/dilation and assumed I was making a fuss but a previous C-section scar was tearing inside so I really needed it. If you want one ask early, ask a lot and ask a Doctor. My midwife had to sheepishly apologise afterwards. (Not that I blame her, I am sure they are following protocols etc). Best of luck.
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Re: Did you have to fight for an epidural at St Georges?

Postby HappyMumSW11 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:07 am

thanks for the nice posts.
it's one of these things. we went out on saturday night and the baby sitter asked me: where are you going to have your baby?
i replied: St Georges's
and she said...: good luck then...without adding anything more!!!
tbh, i did not want to ask any details as every birth is different but why do people need to make this kind of comments?
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