Newton Prep V Eaton House

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Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby mrs_t » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:40 pm

Our little boy has a place for Eaton House but we are also really interested in Newton Prep. Does anyone have any experience of either of these two schools and if so, would you recommend either? We don't live near to either of them! Thanks so, so much.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby nvmof3 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:52 pm

I am a parent of neither, so I caveat everything I say by saying it is all based on hearsay, and no doubt parents at both schools can and will agree/disagree with what I say. But I have heard in the chitchat among local friends that there is quite a problem with scrapping in the playground at EH (maybe because there are no girls to keep them calm!), and I have heard that NP is quite balanced in terms of the background of the children with a good bursary scheme. NP does not do rugby, and seems to be quite focussed on 11+ as opposed to 13+ but I think is trying to change that. EH girls (maybe a consideration if you have a daughter) are not yet doing 13+ so if you want her to go to a boarding co-ed, she will have to move at 11. Again, I'm sure other people will have views based on experience rather than hearsay, but I would be interested to know if actual parents can corroborate or disprove what I have heard. I do have friends with kids at both schools and both are very happy.
Last edited by nvmof3 on Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby livegreen » Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:17 pm

Where do you live ?
From a practical point of view if you do not live close to either school why are you considering them?
Making a child commute in a car at that age should be avoided at all costs, so try and find a school close to you that is within walking distance.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby Wheresmyschool? » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:05 pm

I would choose the right school over the shortest distance but that's just me :D

I hear good things about both

What I would say is that EH appears to be very traditional. The people I know go are attending are mainly off to boarding school.

As for NP I really feel it is a school for very bright children and I am not sure that if you're child is not really really bright then it's the right place for them.

But that's all hearsay on my part :D
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby nvmof3 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:19 pm

Re NP being for really bright children, they are one of the few schools not to interview for entry. You put your kids names down for nursery entry and after siblings, they draw the names from a hat ie lottery. I think for the extra reception places after nursery have filled 2/3rds of them, there is an "interview" but v playbased. For entry later up the school, they do assess but over 2 days so again really to see the kid all round, rather than just sitting an academic test.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby Writerlady » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:51 pm

I have a son and daughter at Eaton House. My son has been there since kindergarden and is now in the prep school. We are very impressed with it. It is very traditional and the teaching is first class in my opinion. Girls and boys learn very differently and the teachers are all very experienced and successful at aiming their lessons at boys. I really feel tney have got a huge amount out of my excitable, sometimes unfocused son! Yes, the playground can be scuffly, but what i have always been very impressed about is how the boys all look out for others, and will always rush to comfort or help others. There has been no bullying at all as far as i know, but high spirits, yes! Sport is important, they learn chess as part of the curriculum from year two, the after school clubs are great and appeal to the sporty as well as the creative. The head of the pre-prep is strict but fair and warm. I didn't notice the pre-prep being pushy academically, and there is certainly a great many opportunities for other things, like music, drama and sport. In fact lots of sport which os great for little boys! We are very happy with the school. Do pm me if you would like more info.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby mrs_t » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:52 pm

Firstly, thank you all so much for your responses.

We live in Balham (not too far from Hornsby House!) and the reason that I first heard of Newton Prep is that I used to take the train with the children and I was so impressed by the level of conversation! EH does well in some very well known guides, borne out by their results and they gave us a definite place as soon as we registered, which was really refreshing. They both do better than Hornsby - though Hornsby had a great year recently.

It would be a commute by car or train to EH and NP respectively, and I hear what you say about that.

We have a little girl too (14 months younger than our boy).

It's a toughie.....and Newton Prep will want a deposit (£1000) if we get a place there.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby BFW » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:05 pm

Whops not sure what happened with my first post - seems to have disappeared so apologies if this appears twice !

Hi there,
Please don’t listen too much at the “hearsay”… will find there is a lot of it in the area ! (sorry Nvmof3 – this is not a criticism of your post!).

I can only give you an opinion on Eaton House as I have children at both Eaton House pre-prep and Eaton House Girls school. We are very happy with the school (and I don’t think I am particularly easy to please !) My son was quite shy and quiet when he first started but they have really helped him build his confidence and he has completely blossomed since he has been there. I don’t think the playground is particularly scrappy ? In the years we have been there this has ever been an issue. I sometimes go and help with the reading so I have had the chance to see the boys (and girls !) in the playground and it always looks like a very happy place.
The sporting facilities are great for a London school – with two indoor gyms and the common opposite and for me this was an important factor. I like the fact that the school is quite traditional– but equally I also like the fact that there are quite a few international families. The academic results are also impressive - I think there is a list of which senior schools the boys go to on the website. The girls school is relatively new and this is the first year there is a Year 6. Please feel free to PM if you have any more specific questions and I would be very happy to give you an honest response.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby irap » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:16 pm

I do not know much about EH, but NP is a lovely school for normal happy children. In my opinion it looks exactly like an american private school and they do interview children when they are small. The main advantage I see is space, sports and a school full of talented teacher willing to bring out the best in children.
A good friend of my took her 3.5 year old to be interviewed at NP and she as a teacher was not surprised but I was.

Hope it gives some insight!

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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby LauraBrown » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:55 pm

I am honestly not trying to start an argument but just find it interesting that potential and current private school parents are not concerned by a scuffling in the playground. If a state school had a reputation for playground scraps, that would be a source for great concern I would think . It's interesting and surprising that fighting between boys in a private school is deemed acceptable.
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby Bluebutterfly » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:34 pm

I was reading an interesting article in the paper last weekend, written specifically for mothers of boys! This is what it said about boys fighting:

"The intensity of rough-and-tumble games so loved by most boys can come as a shock. But play fighting, which peaks at ages 7-8, is an important part of boys’ development and shouldn’t be stopped. “Research among young apes showed that the ones who did not play fight were more aggressive as they got older,” Palmer says. “It seems to be a way of working off natural aggression through play. It’s also the way boys get to know and understand each other and see how the other one ticks.” She encourages parents, particularly fathers, to get involved with rough and tumble games to teach fair rules and self-control."

I would be interested to know other parents thoughts on this! Sorry to go off topic a bit!
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby klw » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:50 pm

I am a parent in the nursery at Eaton House and walk through the playground 4 times a day. I have never seen boys 'scrapping'' (although I'm sure little boys everywhere do this a bit).

I have to say that I have found much of the chatter around the differences between schools quite stressful in the decision making process ( our daughter starts school in September). I would suggest going to both schools and seeing for yourself.

I am pretty certain we are going to send our daughter to Eaton House ( and our son in due course). The school has really grown on me (I thought it might be a bit too traditional and standoffish at first) but I have been really impressed with the caring nature and quality of staff so far as well as the range of amazing opportunities the kids get to experience different sports, languages outings from the outset.

As has been said before, we are really spoilt for schools in this part of the world. Listen to your gut instinct and go with whatever feels best for your child.

Good luck!
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby Happymama » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:38 pm

Quite a random post LauraBrown ?

I don't think anyone has suggested that scuffling in the playground in a private school is acceptable ? Someone suggested that they "had heard" that this was an issue and parents with children at the school have just confirmed that it wasn't ? So really not sure what you are trying to get to ? And this is an honest question - I am not trying to start an argument.

I have children at both Eaton House boys and girls school - we are very impressed with it. The teaching standards are extremely high, the facilities great and our children are very happy there. I have to say that my kids have never complained about the playground being scuffly. I walk past the playground daily and I always see very happy children having fun (and generally the boys playing a lot of football !!)

Good luck with your decision - both excellent schools !

twinmummy77 - that article sounds really interesting. Do you have a link ?
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby LauraBrown » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:23 pm

Writerlady wrote:I have a son and daughter at Eaton House.... Yes, the playground can be scuffly, but what i have always been very impressed about is how the boys all look out for others, and will always rush to comfort or help others.
One parent agreed that it was scuffly. I suppose my comment was following on from other discussions on here and in real life with concerns about state schools which would often be fear of fighting etc and it is interesting to see that such behaviour happens at private schools too and is, potentially, actually sometimes tolerated more than it would be in a state school (by parents and head/teachers alike).

Interesting point too from the previous poster about whether this constitutes bad behaviour that should be stopped or is actually good for kids anyway...
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Re: Newton Prep V Eaton House

Postby Bluebutterfly » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:05 pm

Hi, here is a link to the full article I was referring to, although it doesn't expand much more on the play-fighting point I'm afraid... ... 654616.ece
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