Nightingale triangle catchment area?

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Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:45 pm

We live in the Wandsworth Common end of the Nightingale Triangle, and have a 16 month old and another one on the way.

We love it there, it is a brilliant area for small kids, but I'm really, really worried about schools. We have our first down for Hornsby House, but with 2 children and a loft conversion/side return just being done I don't think we'll be able to afford it.

I've looked into catchment areas and it seems like this is a pretty barren area for decent state primary schools, despite so many outstanding/good ones nearby. I was just wondering if anyone in the Tantallon/Gosberton/Fernside/Calbourne area has had any luck getting in to Ravenstone? And whether Rutherford House is going to be too far away to have any effect?

I know there is a v.v. good Catholic school in Nightingale Square, but we unfortunately aren't Catholic.

Any thoughts/experiences really appreciated....
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby BalhamMumWorkingFT » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:16 pm

Your'e not in the Ravenstone typical catchment area. I wish I could say you were... but you aren't. And with the straight-line coming, it is even more unlikely....And really there isn't a catchment area per say as it moves every year, but that school's area is getting smaller not bigger.

With that said... you have Alderbrook down the road. And although it isn't everyone's first choice, they have improved ALOT over the years. And many happy families are there with kids excelling. Who knows, it could be outstanding before we know it (and before your oldest turns 4).

There are also lots of smaller more inexpensive private options... Montessori and smaller house schools which could be an option as well.

It is crazy but don't fret. Visit schools, talk to Mum's with kids at those schools. They're the best resource as they will have first hand knowledge.

Good Luck
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:48 pm

Thank you - I suspected as much. I was really hopeful about Rutherford House until I realised it was so far down the High Rd. It seems crazy that there are so many good Wandsworth primary schools but nothing for an area so packed with young kids.

I hope you are right about Alderbrook. We go swimming there and it looks like it needs some TLC.

I'm going to put them down for the Dolphin as well as you are right, not so expensive as Hornsby House (which is right on our doorstep and so lovely!). :roll:
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby skeraf » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:48 pm

I am no expert on the Ravenstone catchment area, but the recent rule change in the way distance is measured (straight line rather than shortest lit walking route) may benefit people living in Tantallon/Gosberton etc and going by previous years' admissions (prior to this year's intake) may be misleading. The presence of the new Rutherford House School might also take some of the pressure off Ravenstone's over-subscription. So, don't give up hope just yet!
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:17 am

Thanks - I wondered if that might make a difference too, as the crow flies it isn't a huge distance. I guess we'll wait and see, and if not, we'll have to move... having just done our house the way we wanted it!
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby SuperSally » Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:32 pm

I strongly recommend you give Alderbrook Primary School a chance. My child has been in the school since Reception and is now in Yr 2. He loves going to school every day and has made great friends and is making very good progress in his learning.

The school is moving forward as 2-form entry and with a brand new build 'Early Years Unit' opening in September, across the road from the existing school, it is set to go from strength to strength. It is all very exciting.

Alderbrook's last OFSTED was deemed as 'good' and with another inspection due in the next year, we are hoping the school will achieve 'outstanding'. Alderbrook School deserves to do well.

I believe the school has the highest aspirations for all its pupils and enjoys celebrating their achievements in every way, helping them to become confident, independent learners who will go on to contribute fully as adult citizens.

Why not make and appointment to come along to the ‘open day’ and you can see the potential for yourself.
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby beanzmeanz » Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:07 pm

I would strongly urge you to visit Alderbrook as it is your local school. It is a small school –just one class per year in the juniors with 2 classes per year in the infants. The great thing about this is that everyone knows every child by name and it is a really friendly school that reflects its local community and really has a lot to offer local families.

The plans for the new early years centre look very exciting. It is a brand new building which will be open for Nursery and Reception from this September.

Sure, a part of the building (near the pool) is a bit shabby. It is not ideal, but decisions have had to be made about whether to spend money on things that will directly impact on the daily lives of the children or on aesthetics – For example, there is exciting brand new play equipment in the playground, a refurbished gym with brand new equipment, and the kitchen supplying school dinners has been greatly improved. There is a pool with specialist swimming teachers, and specialists teaching dance, games, French and Mandarin. There is a wide variety of afterschool activities on offer as well as a breakfast club run by school staff.

If you are into Ofsted - Alderbrook had a good rating in 2009 (and is due for re-inspection in summer 2014). However, as this was 3 years ago and there have been great changes since then, do make an appointment to view the school for yourself and have a look at the classrooms and teaching areas – they are very attractive learning environments and you will notice a good ratio of staff to children. Have a look at the work the children are doing and at their behaviour and also at the way they interact with the teachers and TAs and vice versa. Talk to the staff and children and the parents about what goes on at Alderbrook and what makes it a very special school to be part of...then make up your own mind...
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:02 pm

Thank you - that is all good to know. It is still a while yet, so will be great to have a look at the new buildings when my little one is a bit older. But reassuring to know that the school has improved and is still doing so.
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby Endrick » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:20 pm

If it helps, we are on Tantallon Road. We didn't get a Ravenstone place for Sept 2012 and were well down the waiting list at the beginning of the school year. Good luck!
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby lalectrice » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:47 pm

Does anyone know what the catchment is for Alderbrook - i.e. furthest distance of places offered?
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:06 am

CTwo - thanks. I've heard similar. Hope you got a place somewhere you were happy with.
CTwo wrote:If it helps, we are on Tantallon Road. We didn't get a Ravenstone place for Sept 2012 and were well down the waiting list at the beginning of the school year. Good luck!
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby Blueshorthair » Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:36 pm

I live on Chestnut Grove and always presumed my son would get a place at Ravenstone based on distance. He's only two so hadn't thought a great deal about it yet, but I'm now wondering how far the catchment extends. Can anyone advise who did get a place?
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Re: Nightingale triangle catchment area?

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:43 pm

It sounds like it is a bit pot luck for our area depending on year and number of siblings going - but I think you are more likely to get in on Chestnut Grove than we are. Sorry, didn't mean to worry you. :(
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