Hi Amyfordo,
My LO is at Bridge Lane but we did start him at a different nursery (7 months) and then moved him to Bridge Lane after about 4 months. We haven't regretted it either from a nursery perspective or in relation to his age - he absolutely loves it! Thus if they have availability from October it may still be worthwhile booking him in and then if he starts at another nursery you always have the option of moving him.
Depending on where you live, try Battersea Day Nursery (Asquith's) or Riverside Nursery Battersea Reach?
As well as a nanny share being an alternative have you considered a childminder? I can recommend Kelli Douglas, who some other mum's I know rave about:
http://www.kellidouglas.com/index.html I believe she has availability at the moment for 1 child. It may be worthwhile visiting her site/giving her a call?
I don't think there is actually any right or wrong re nursery V nanny at it often depends on your personal circumstances as well as your child e.g. I have two nephews and one definately hated nursery whilst the other one absolutely loved it. Just go with what feels right for you......
P.S. I cried for the first month when my LO started nursery but that was about me not him!!