5 top tips for a natural birth...

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5 top tips for a natural birth...

Postby Mumabuba » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:08 pm

1) Sign up for a Hypnobirthing course for you and your partner (Maybe tip 1 should be... first persuade partner to come along!)
2) Learn all about how your mind and body work together efficiently and calmly during labour
3) Listen to the lovely relaxation CD provided on the course on a regular basis throughout the final stages of pregnancy
3) Practice your breathing techniques, so they come naturally when baby decides to put in an appearance
4) Enjoy the feeling that your partner is well prepared to support you through labour
5) Welcome your baby to the world, drug free and in an atmosphere of calm and gentleness

There are still places available on The Hypnobirthing Centre's Teddington course on March 23rd/24th for £297 per couple.

The course is held at a lovely venue called The Boat House, in Hampton Wick, which overlooks the River Thames.

Visit: http://www.thehypnobirthingcentre.co.uk ... kings.html to book

Or contact Katherine Graves on 0845 337 91949 for more information.
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