Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

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Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby falstaff » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:29 am

Any views on whether to opt for a nursery school or nursery/childminder, and also suggestions as to which nursery school? My son is currently 1.5yrs and I think he needs more stimulation than a nanny, but finding it hard to find nursery schools (searches always bring up all the nurseries). I live at Clapham South.
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby Ivytree » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:44 am

Grove Hall, Elm Park, Nightingales, smiling angels are all good. Good luck
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby falstaff » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:26 pm

Thank you Ivytree. They look great nurseries. But do you know any nursery schools in the area or is there not much difference between nursery schools and nurseries for children aged 2 and above?
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby Ivytree » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:53 pm

In my experience they tend to be both. Unless the nursery school is attached to a school.
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby SFMC » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:07 pm

I'm also interested in finding out if there is much difference in a day nursery for a 3 year old versus attending a 'nursery' attached to a primary school. Does the nursery school focus more on 'educational' activities and preparation for reception? And day nurseries is more child care with some learning thrown in? or not much difference?

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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby supergirl » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:33 pm

In my experience there are quite a few differences. My eldest did both. She was a Bridge lane and started in the baby room and finished in the preschool group.
At the time I thought this was great and I was very happy (she was too).

We were then lucky enough to get a place at a nursery school (this one is attached to a primary school) and this is where I saw the differences, not big ones mind you but things that i think are better done. DISCLAIMER: I will never know though whether it was Bridge Lane preschool group in restrospect that was not good enough or whether it is the case for every day care nurseries. So i only give my opinion based on my experience.

At daycare, she was there 2 full days so from before 9 until between 4.30pm-5pm. So she was pretty much doing the same number of hours as when she switched and started with 4 mornings and 1 afternoon (full day that day). BUT
- in this nursery school although they are into Early Learning things, they followed a written curriculum with a theme for each term.
- Also, they (in a very subtle way) lead the children towards understanding how to behave in a school environment and also they (again very subtle) teach them more like they would do at reception.
- In this nursery school they dont have mornings or afternoons sessions so it is always the same group of children so they can do group things, team sports, playdates, etc. Which was not really happening at bridge lane as apart from the full time parents, children were never the same.

But to me the main difference is that a nursery school teach them and prepare them for a big school rytthm ie. terms and holidays. it took my child a couple of terms to get the concept of holidays (plus she started after Xmas instead of September so it was even harder). Now in "Upper Nursery", i would say she is ready to start big school in Sept. I am not convinced she would have that prepared/ready if she had stayed at Bridge Lane.
Also, the way her current nursery school teach them writting and reading Is way superior to what she getting at Bridge Lane (although I dont push it as i believe she has plenty of time to, I am glad that the school does it since she showing a keen interest and is eager to learn).

Sorry for a long post. Hope this help. PM me if you have more questions. Sx
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby theessentialtouch » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm

My sons both attended nurseries which I would class as 'childcare' places. One was at Grove Hall from when he was a baby and the other was at Ecole De Benjamins which unfortunately had to shut down a few years ago.

They both followed the Early Years Foundation stages as standard and would report back to me every few months with a checklist to show how my children were performing - ie crawling, walking, stacking blocks, marking etc. These were the years when I returned to work in an office and effectively needed long days of childcare.

When my eldest son was old enough to attend Balham Nursery (they take them from the September after they turn 3), I realised how different it is to attend a proper nursery school! Their facilities and programme of activities were hugely superior, much more school-like, and the staff appeared far better trained for pre-school learning. There is a huge focus on learning through play, so the kids don't even realise that there is structure learning behind their activities, but overall it seemed far more educationally focused. My daughter who turned 2 in April started at Lochinvar last September and seems to be very much like a 'mini' Balham Nursery.

I'm lucky that I am now in a position to have my child attend a nursery school, as these tend to run to school hours and school term times, and some people may well disagree with some of my comments above, and I don't mean to offend anyone - I have only had experience of 2 other day care places, so it is a bit of a generalisation to think they are all the same, but its my honest opinion.

Hope this helps, and good luck.
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby falstaff » Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:01 pm

Thanks so much for this feedback, it's exactly what I was after, an amazing help, thanks!
I had kind of thought that might be the case, that nursery schools tended to prepare children more for school and focus a little more on brain power rather than just emotional welfare.
I live right by Lochinvar, I think I might give them a go unless anyone has any negative feedback? Short half days being away from home would suit us both better I think than full days at a nursery.
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby SFMC » Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:59 am

This has all been extremely useful to read! My son got into morning nursery school at a good state primary. I normally work but will be off on maternity leave for a year so he could attend. I was in dilemma whether to take up the place or not and think I will for a variety of reasons.

I'm a bit concerned about the session being so short (with a brand new baby and my son does not nap anymore..wahhhh!) but my husband said we could still have in his day nursery for afternoons at least two days a week while I have the newborn so I can nap when the baby naps in the afternoon.

I'm excited for him to attend the school, meet parents and maybe start to get involved in the school and for my son to meet other local children. As assume they all must live close by.
thanks again for the information!
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Re: Nursery School v Nursery in Clapham South

Postby ladyofacertainage » Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:06 pm

There are loads of Nursery schools out there a few from the top if my head are:
Marmalade cat
caterpillar nursery,
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