Hartbeeps baby classes launch party - 18th April

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Hartbeeps baby classes launch party - 18th April

Postby AnnaBelleBeeps » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:38 pm

Hartbeeps award-winning, multi-sensory, musical, baby development classes are launching at the Battersea Arts Centre!

To celebrate we're doing special launch sessions of Baby Bells or Baby Beeps classes on the 18th April starting at 2pm with Bells, then 3pm for Beeps.

It's FREE!! So please book your space with Anna-Belle by emailing anna-belle@hartbeeps.com or calling 07588324161.

With original music, remixed nursery rhymes, costumes, lighting, props and puppetry, Hartbeeps takes you and your little one(s) on a journey through babyland, a magical world that captivates babies and grown ups alike.

Hartbeeps helps develop cognitive and motor skills as well as confidence and sociability – so much fun and so much more than just a multi-sensory music class!

Baby Bells - for pre-mobile babies. Suitable from birth, a lovely gentle class that focuses on bonding and confidence.

Baby Beeps - for sitters and crawlers. A bouncy, interactive class that focuses on speech and cognitive development.

Classes will be every Thursday at Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, Battersea, SW11 5TN. 2pm Bells, 3pm Beeps.

Contact Anna-Belle for a free trial: anna-belle@hartbeeps.com / 07588 324 161

Come and try Hartbeeps at the Battersea Arts Centre! The best baby development class in the capital.
Come and try Hartbeeps at the Battersea Arts Centre! The best baby development class in the capital.
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