Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby Mummytoone » Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:52 pm


For what it's worth my daughter has been there since she was 5 and a half months old. We were going to send her to a different nursery which was much bigger, but were let down when the time came to start. We looked at every nursery in Clapham and we found this one clicked. That really is the most important thing.

Purely personally, what I liked was:
1. the rooms are light and bright - they have recently been repainted and refurbished. They are not like some we saw - long rooms with a window at one end and florescent lights down the middle to a dark space at the back. At Babyroom for the under two's, there are two large reception rooms in a beautiful building in Clapham old town with big windows at either end.
2. the arts, crafts and music they do is so much fun. I know mums (like me) who went from class to class, music or free play session day after day, and at this nursery they structure the day to include it all: some days I get a hand made card, other times she plays with flour or spaghetti for messy play (we take a change of clothes!). They have even organised book readings in foreign languages (the last one they wanted to put on was in French).
3. I find the staff happy and relaxed (and I chat with them during and after the working week so they don't have to pretend). They are able to manage a personalised daytime routine; they follow your baby's pattern until they are 12 months old, even if that means kids nap or eat at different times. There's no throwing down of a mat at a set time if they aren't used to napping in that way. Eventually by 12 months they do settle into a similar routine.
4. The outings to the park are so cute: the babies sit in a pull along carriage to the park, you may have seen them bumbling along the old town. I still take my daughter to the park all the time, and I love that she goes to the places I take her when we are together.
5. Safety: my daughter had a seizure. They occur rarely and is a condition she'll grow out of. When it happened at nursery they dealt with it incredibly well. The senior manager personally took her to A&E and waited for me. My daughter was thankfully absolutely fine when I arrived. I was so happy to have Georgina there. We had clicked from the beginning and on this day I knew why. She genuinely loves the children. Since then the nursery has done a short introduction for the staff on the condition (which affects 2-3% of kids) in case it happens to my or any other child. They have learned from our little one and know what to do. So the staff were mature about the event and treated our family with huge respect.
6. Their last Ofsted report was fantastic.

I think the string of messages from mums below - far from being disingenuous by their volume - just shows how much parents who choose it really rave about it. If you want to PM me please do. I'm a busy barrister and devoted Mummy, but would be more than happy to chat about my experience with anyone who needs advice.

Best wishes.
Last edited by Mummytoone on Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby kiwimummy » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:18 pm

i was going to PM but saw the messages and also doubted their authenticity so i posted. so don't be too hard on Natalia, she is not the only one who thought this!

Obv, don't want to offend genuine posters but personally i will never take the recommendations if it's a first time poster - good or bad!
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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby Mummytoone » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:54 pm

Fair enough, but as current user of the nursery I do think the earlier messages are true.
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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby WBT3 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:41 pm

Completely understand questions on authenticity of posts, am pretty sceptical myself of online forums.

I've only ever used nappy valley for random searches for decorators, gardeners (found a terrific one!), roofing contractors etc but I was driven to post as saw the negative comment re Old Town nursery and it couldn't have been further from my experience. PM away if you need anymore information about the place, I'd be happy to reply to any specific questions.

I love the staff, more importantly my son loves them. He's developing well and learning at a faster rate than I could have hoped for and I would wholeheartedly recommend the nursery if that's the sort of care that works for you.

Each to their own, there are some fantastic alternatives out there but I am thoroughly happy with the choice we made.
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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby mummywonder » Thu May 02, 2013 1:20 pm

Okay - I'm a first time poster, and I've only just registered but I am a genuine mother of a genuine child at BabyRoom in Balham. My son has been there over 2 years and he loves it. He's happy, has a great vocabulary, eats well and interacts well with other children. He clearly flourishes in the environment they provide and most evenings it is a bit of a battle to get him to come home with me - a sure sign that it's all going well I think!

Choosing a nursery is very personal - some that I though looked sodding awful, close friends of mine thought were great. If you don't get a good feeling, then it will worry you the whole time you are at work and it's not worth it. And, I think if you start with doubts then you are likely to be more sensitive to things you may not have liked at BabyRoom when you looked round. Personally, I thought the Eveline Day nursery was like stepping back 50 years in childcare terms ... 70s carpets and staff dressed like matrons was my abiding memory! - but a lot of mums rave about it so there you go.
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Re: Baby Room Nursery - Clapham Old Town

Postby mumtoafew » Sat May 04, 2013 8:35 pm

Looks as if you have a nursery now, but I didn't find the old town baby room appealing and liked bright horizons on Jeffrey's road in stockwell and bringing up baby on Pearson street. In the end though, we used a childminder and I was v happy with that option!
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