Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

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Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby Sugar'nSpice » Sun May 12, 2013 11:03 pm

Has anyone ever applied for a primary school on the following criteria and got in ?

"(ii) children with a professionally supported exceptional medical need or exceptional social need for a place at a particular school, as decided by the Governing Body (see note 2);"

Apparently We were one of six families who made an application on these grounds to Belleville. Non of our children received a place and apparently some of the six rejected have a more serious medical condition than our child! Difficult to go into but it seems you have to be statemented at the age of four to really be even considered eligible. How does the School/Council define an " exceptional medical need?" Does anyone know? According to our GP our child has got an exceptional medical and social need and wrote a letter accordingly. We didn't drag our child's consultants into the application deeming the GP's explanation would be adequate.

Is anyone in our posistion appealing or has anyone had a similar experience? I would so appreciate some support and advice on this if anyone can help?
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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby susieq » Mon May 13, 2013 11:42 am

I have in the past sat on appeal committees. The example we are always given is suppose you have a child who is in a wheelchair, an exceptional need would be for a school with lifts, ramps and no stairs . It would be perfectly acceptable to apply to a school that matched those requirements under the social and exceptional need.
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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby Sugar'nSpice » Thu May 16, 2013 4:21 pm

Thanks Susieq, However our appeal is a little more complicated. What about distance based on the fact that due to the child medical needs he/she needs to be close to home? Also the child is already fully integrated with the school community which has aided in supporting his/hers well being to date? Could that be seen as a social need? His/her consultants and doctors believe so and are supporting that.
Is anyone else appealing and on what grounds it would be helpful to share?
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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby susieq » Fri May 17, 2013 9:22 pm

Almost all applications under social and medical need are submitted with supporting letters from amongst others, doctors, consultants, social workers etc. I have known these individuals turn up at the appeal hearing to support the parents etc but this does not necessarily aid a case. The appeals panel must take into consideration the information submitted at the time of application and the decision made on the basis of that information. Should the school/admission authority have asked for more information on the basis of the information you submitted at the time of application , if yes then you may have a case. The key with any appeal is to stress why Belleville or whatever school in question is the only one/best one suitable for your child. You need as much evidence as possible why it is Belleville and no other, be as specific as possible . Most panels will take the view that children quickly adapt to a new environment, they will also take the view that teachers and staff change so your case should avoid referring to specific members of staff who you regard as key for your child eg specific SEN workers. Distance from school can be an exceptional factor but you will really have to show that there is no other way that a school further away would be suitable . This is usually because of a permanent physical impairment . Hope this helps , good luck
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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby Helgibbs » Sat May 18, 2013 10:09 am

Does social need include children who are 'looked after' ie fostered or in temporary care? If so, they may take priority over some other appeals I seem to remember?

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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby Sugar'nSpice » Sat May 18, 2013 6:34 pm

Thanks Susieq I really appreciate your taking the time to respond. Really good advice!
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Re: Admission Criteria ( Medical and Social need)

Postby Sugar'nSpice » Sat May 18, 2013 6:36 pm

Helgibbs wrote:Hi
Does social need include children who are 'looked after' ie fostered or in temporary care? If so, they may take priority over some other appeals I seem to remember?

Yes, this is generally the 1st priority group.
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