Reusable napiies

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Reusable napiies

Postby Janka » Tue May 21, 2013 8:39 pm

I am thinking of using a reusable nappies. Anyone who could give me an advice of the the best product?

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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby mummyjen » Tue May 21, 2013 10:21 pm

There are absolutely loads of different systems and brands out there. It can be a bit of trial and error finding the right nappy for you and your baby. Things which can make a difference to success are size/shape of baby, plus what your washing and drying facilities are. I would definitely recommend trying before you buy. You can rent samples of nappies from websites like or buy pre-loved nappies from ebay. I wrote an article about using real nappies for the local NCT mag a while ago... if you PM me, I will send you a scanned version.
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby Janka » Thu May 23, 2013 9:08 pm

Hi there,

Thanks very much for the effort. I will look at the website to see what is the most suitable to me. My email is
Have a lovely wknd
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby lily311 » Fri May 24, 2013 5:14 am

I like pocket nappies and not the 2 part ones. I use lollipop pop'n'grow and also some little bloom Internet cheapie ones. Overnight we are in disposables as she wees a lot.
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby SJ1979 » Fri May 24, 2013 8:33 am

I used all in one nappies which work very much like a disposable and are so easy, no need for an outer wrap and they fit birth to potty, though we did end up having to buy a few larger ones towards the end. I used bum genius and modern baby close parent pop-ins. You will probably need around 20 in total. On they sometimes have nearly new or second hand nappy bundles as people often buy them with good intentions and never actually use them or look on ebay.

Twinkle on the web is a good website, there are heaps of brands out there now and getting better all the time, maybe buy a sample or two first to see which you prefer.

We also started off with first 6 weeks from birth in eco friendly disposables, and then used washables when I was feeling a bit more brave!

The whole system was very easy when you get the hang of it, and we never had smelly nappy bins hanging around like with disposables- just soaked them in a bit of nappisan in a bucket until I had enough to wash. Drying can be a trial in the winter when you can't line dry them, and you may just have to put up with them on radiators around the house!

We did use disposables at night time when she got older as the night time inserts were too bulky and we found she was waking up wet but they may have improved since then as this was a few years ago.

Good luck.
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby topmama » Fri May 24, 2013 9:22 am

I used reusable nappies for both my children. They are a bit harder work than disposables but once you get used to them they are fine.

I lived in Fulham when I had my first child and at the time (2008/9) the council gave all new parents £30 towards cloth nappies they also hosted monthly events called nappicino's presented by couple of parents who were very pro real nappies. They talked about why to use real nappies and demonstrated a few , may be woerth checking the H&F website. At the time bumgenius were the favourite and I bought 20 of these. I think they were the 3rd version they are an all-in-one nappy (over cover and 2 inserts) that grow with the child so you only need about 20 to last from birth to toilet training. They cost about £15 each but I got a discount and the voucher so paid about £200.

With real nappies you have to change every 3/4 hours otherwise you get leaks but as long as you know that they are great. You wash as 60 degrees and use very little detergent and sometimes a napisan. I considered using a washing service but we have a warm large kitchen and the nappies tended to dry over night, they are made of a quick drying material. I washed every 3 days, kept the soiled nappies in a bucket. Once you wean use a very fine paper liner that generally contained the poo which you flush down the loo. So there is very little poo and not much smell.......particularly compared to disposables!

I did however use pampers at night, I could not find anything better and did not want my babies waking because they were wet well as hungry! However I know there are some good environmentally friendly disposables, that have a high percentage of biodegradable material. Websites like 'spirit of nature' are good for this.

I totally agree with the previous poster that they are probably too hard work for a newborn when you can have frequent changes and there are lots of other things to get used to. Mine were both quite small and had thin legs so the nappies did not fit around the leg until 6-8 weeks.

Once my babies started feeding they grew fast and were both chunky babies. So there were some clothes that did not fit so well around a larger bottom so no skinny jeans!.... i know there are some websites that sell clothes for real nappies but I just made sure the bottoms were not too tight.

Youtube had some great videos of how to use a range of real nappies I loved bumgenius and I am sure there is a version 4 or 5 now.

Good luck with the new baby. Please pm me if you want anymore info.
Sorry for the long post.
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby ajcmullin » Tue May 28, 2013 7:20 am

Hi, we use Tots Bots Bamboozle - have done since birth. Have a look at their website and cleangreen website was where we bought them from. We have never used fake nappies, real ones are very easy and wash at 40. I don't have problems re. Night time - they last for at least twelve hours. Only hassle is drying them when the weather isn't great - can't use tumble dryer (don't have one anyway). I'd recommend spending a bit more on the coloured bamboozle nappies just think they are nicer and I'm intending on passing them down to number 2/3 (when/ if). Lambeth did give £40 discount but not sure it does now. Have always been very happy them, no accidents/ problems and to make sure they stay soft we do a white wine rinse. Let me know if you need more. Can't understand why more don't use, so easy these days and never really had problems with nappy rash. Thanks
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby manictwinmama » Tue May 28, 2013 3:53 pm

Hi Janka,

I'm just about to get rid of my reuseables as boys have outgrown them (2.5yrs) and are about to be potty-trained (I hope). I have a huge twin bundle consisting of the following: 16 x Bamboozle Stretchies by Totsbots, (plus 14 x Boosters and lots of coloured nappy wraps), which we used for our boys at night, and for daytime: 17 x BumGenius Pocket Nappies (I'm afraid I'm not sure what version ours are, but probably version 3 - bought in 2011) . All 'Birth to Potty' so adjustable sizing. All in good condition, although Bamboozles could probably do with a strip wash and the velcro fastenings on the Bumgenius show signs of wear, but still work! Also have a couple of nappy buckets and mesh bags, (which make it so easy to just chuck it all in the washing machine). All bought from the Nappy Lady in 2011. We loved these nappies! Looking for £60 all in, which is a total bargain, but also prepared to split the bundle if required.
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Re: Reusable napiies

Postby Janka » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:39 pm

Hi Ladies..

Thank you all very much on the post. I was busy the previous week, therefore all my post was postponed. I will now have to browse the internet to find whatever is best for me!!!
Regarding the second hand nappies, let me think and I will get back to u shortly.
I wish u all Sunny and Lovely day
Thanks again
Janka :D :) ;)
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