Full disclosure:
a) I volunteer for the Wimbledon and Wandsworth branch on the NCT as the magazine editor
b) I had 2 c-sections - 1 emergency (NIGHTMARE) and 1 planned (after trying for a natural birth and preparing with a weekend of Natal Hypnotherapy but going 11 days overdue which was as far as the NHS would let me)
I get the whole Kirsty Allsopp thing...but I WISH she'd go after the lack of midwives and continuity of care in the NHS than bash a charity that does its best to equip people.
I know that around here we pay A LOT for our NCT courses, but I also know that the teachers in our branch are amazing and caring ladies who do tell the truth about all aspects of the birth process - I don't know about you but when I was in my NCT class, I wasn't expecting to have a c-section - I remember our teacher talking about the process with a playmobil set, mostly about how long it would take (not long) and how many people would be in the room (a lot) but that was about it.
The NCT does its best - our local branches - Wimbledon and Wandsworth and Clapham work hard (especially with Wimbledon and Wandsworth lacking volunteers - if you can help PM me) and are currently working hard to try to keep the 2 local NCT breastfeeding drop-ins open.
Sorry, will get off my soapbox now...