Any Dolphin School mums? Advice please!

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Re: Any Dolphin School mums? Advice please!

Postby Horsa » Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:52 pm

I had similar thoughts when I looked around. I'd be really interested in any responses.
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Re: Any Dolphin School mums? Advice please!

Postby biscuitbrown » Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:01 pm

Hi Petal, I'm not a Dolphin mum, but I, like you, visited it this year to look at it as a plan B in case (as is likely) we don't get into a good school. I also loved the general vibe, loved the headmistress & her attitude to the kids, but was unsure about the building. I didn't think the basement rooms were so bad as they were well kitted out & everything was new (I also remember my montessori when I was little & I wasn't remotely bothered by it being in a dingy church basement & loved the place) but I wasn't sure about the lack of outside space & having to go up to the common for breaks etc as I went to a well known school in Dulwich with massive playing fields & lovely grounds. Plus I wasn't keen on their decision not to include swimming as a sport because we are big on swimming in our family... However I took the view that their fees (currently) reflect their lack of space & facilities & I couldn't deny that the teachers I met & the kids I saw left me with a warm fuzzy feeling as they all looked happy - and ultimately that is what I want for my children. My school had everything but could be a pretty miserable place. If their fees matched other private schools in the area with better facilities I don't suppose I would have considered it an option...
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