I just wanted to say, first of all, how sorry I am to hear what a horrendous time you have had.
And second, that I do hope that you find someone very supportive to talk through all this, your feelings are not selfish at all and many mums can find that there are some really strong feelings, grief and anger, around many aspects of birth, breastfeeding and becoming a parent. Find someone who knows how to listen; you might find this surprising, but breastfeeding counsellors are trained in *listening* to mothers, and one of their roles is in fact helping mothers talk through the end of breastfeeding. If you ring one of the breastfeeding helplines (LLL, NCT, ABM, BfN, or National BF Helpline (which is ABM and BfN)), you will get put through to someone who has done that training, not just a peer supporter, and you can talk anonymously too. If the person who answers is not the right person to help you, try again if you can at a different time.
Even just writing down everything that happened and how you feel can be a huge relief!
Lastly I'm a little concerned about whether you have some specialist help getting you and your body through bringing your milk supply down safely to reduce the chance of a blocked duct triggering the whole thing off again -- your situation sounds fairly complex, so you would probably need help from a trained breastfeeding specialist such as an accredited breastfeeding counsellor or an IBCLC. Again the breastfeeding helplines are a start, or find a local NCT or LLL breastfeeding counsellor, or an IBCLC at
And the mums who have reassured you about how lots of cuddles and snuggles with your baby are so, so important are so right -- your baby loves YOU, his very own mum, he knows the sound of your heartbeat from all those weeks inside, he loves *your* warmth, *your* smell, *your* arms around him.