Postby Rachel F » Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:04 am
My DD1 started at this nursery at the beginning of September. My posting is somewhere on this site as our first week was fairly disastrous with a room leader being absent, disorganisation generally, lack of a 'welcome' from the girls who we're going to be looking after my daughter not that I was expecting special treatment at all but an acknowledgement that my daughter was starting somewhere new and that I was her mother would have been a start. Having said that, the manager there is very hands on. I raised my concerns wth her and sat many a morning crying into my DD2's muslin. She was very sympathetic and i would get a call around lunchtime with an update on how shewas getting on. DD1 has been there 3 weeks now. We've had the usual hysterics and the 'please don't leave me here' 'please can you stay' but bribery is working in the form of a sticker chart so 1 sticker for every morning she doesn't cry or cling to me.....and she got her stompeez last week. She tells met that she has a lovely day when I pick her up and she likes her new friends so I can't say fairer than that!