Experiences of Rutherford House

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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Pud1 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:53 am

For the record, the NPQH (Headteacher qualification) is no longer a requirement for Headteachers, and hasn't been for a few years.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Esher09 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:30 pm


When I was told yesterday afternoon by worried mums at the school that we were being attacked on NappyValley and that I should go immediately onto the site and post something positive, I must admit I was expecting something a lot more explosive than this so I am glad that I decided to wait until the afternoon to review as I do have a life…

So I am going to post from the slightly different prospective of a happy Wandsworth Common Mum, part of the clique mentioned above and one whose child is settling in well.

I would also welcome the opportunity to meet with Sunshine and understand her current position rather than flake her here (I am not part of the inner circle to know if she has or has not raised her issues with the school leadership).

So to start, and this is for Medway, when we moved into the area a few years back, every conversation in every library, coffee shop, NCT lunch, birthday party etc has always revolved around which school in the area we would send our kids if we were, for whatever reason, not able to send them to one of the private ones.

Then came the cavalry in the shape of Rutherford House School. And from the start we have been promised a school where the large majority of pupils will come from a White British background, only a small number from minority ethnic groups and the proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities will be lower than that found locally/nationally. So immediately it becomes very appealing to those who wanted to avoid the ethnically diverse classrooms of the local state schools in the shape of Fircroft, St Marys, Alderbrook and Ravenstone.

And add to that the continuous message that this is an “independent school” for free, you can understand the eagerness with which the Governor mentioned above is advising WC parents to rent properties in the area to beat the admission process- one of our friends at a local estate agent has told me that they have had up to 20 inquiries from WC parents regarding rental properties close to the school and have already rented out 6 properties on the road opposite the school- go look for yourself at the “Let Signs”. I have to admit now that I know one of those parents myself!!

So if you wish to send your child to this bubble in Balham, come and have a look first and make your mind up but please visit as many of the other local schools too. My husband and I have a clear plan until 7+ and what our next step will be thereafter- we chose Rutherford because we knew they would work the hardest during the first year to get the best Ofsted results and we wanted that type of focus on our child.

But whereas my husband and I play the game well with the other parents, this is a small school at present and you really do need to be part of the in-crowd get on- we get all the inside information from one of the Governors and it is not always that positive. My friends who are Tooting Bec parents will most likely not get their children admitted here. And we are also aware of 2 other sets of parents who are seriously considering moving their children out.

Bottom line, this is a business. It is a free school paid on a per capita basis for each child- 54 children means we are missing out on the funds for 6 children which equates to about £40-50,000. If the school does not get pupils then that will reflect on the income of the school and major problems thereafter- imagine if it had to close because of lack of funds, where would all us angry Wandsworth Common parents go then?

But then there is no fear in that as we have all been given the clear instruction on how important getting new parents to the school is for survival, as long as they are British and White, and how we must fight negative PR at every opportunity, especially on sites like this one.

Good luck Medway in finding the best school for your child, we have for the next year or two at least!!
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby mummo » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:17 pm

Is it just me, or is anyone else uncomfortable with the 'white British' selection criteria? Last time I looked I thought we were a multicultural society. As this is a free school, does this mean it is funded by tax payers money, sorry I am not entirely sure what a free school is? I would be relieved to find this is not the case. Esher09 says that her friends in Tooting Bec would not probably get places - is this because they are not the right sort of Wandsworth Common parent?! I am confused. And as for the Governor suggesting the chosen few could rent short term to get their children in - extraordinary. Presumably he/she has not seen the debates raging on here over the problems with that around BV/HW. And what happens to the children who genuinely live near the new school? But maybe they are not the 'right sort' either?! I would kind of be more comfortable with selection around whether the children were fluent English speakers or not as could see slightly more justification of this - but specifically white British - I'm afraid I just can't get my head around that.

Esher09s descriptions of 'being in the in crowd', 'playing the game' and the 'Balham bubble' just makes me think of the worst bits of the private sector. I'm sorry, don't mean to burst any bubbles here and those that are in them, good luck to you and your children, but I'd rather my children grew up in the real world.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Medway » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:23 pm

So much to absorb in Ester's post...I too need time to reflect before I respond. I had assumed admission was based on distance from the school, after SEN criteria met etc. Does this mean the kids from the estate directly opposite the school will be in on location, but out on socio economic group??

Feel really confused..but love the fact that this post had no replies until someone posted negatively...and then the PR machine kicked in. I find that quite cynical.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:28 pm

Tbh I'd not been on NVN for a week or so and therefore hadn't seen your thread. I posted as soon as I'd read it, hardly cynical. White British criteria. Really. Why are 19 children, more than a third, not from this background then . How does that work exactly? Along with other non British children who have English as a second language (3 that I can think of off the top of my head) and those with SEN, the school caters for a pretty damn perfect representation of the area in which we live.

There are parents whose income is huge, and parents who are not at all well off - this is so far removed from the Arian world you find yourself in at some of the prep schools around here where I know of people who have felt deeply uncomfortable simply because they are not typical of the others around them.

Looking through the list of where everyone lives - yes it is pretty wide but I'd hazard a guess that that is because a fair few didn't get into their school of choice and had not put RHS down as a choice even - around 60% live within a ten minute walk and half the rest are certainly within 20 minutes walking. A lot better than children at other schools I could mention.

I think such damning criticism of a school that has been open a mere 4 weeks says so much more about the person than the school. It is new FFS, of course there will be issues that need ironing out, but I remaining firmly convinced that putting RHS as the first choice for my daughter was absolutely the right decision.

And, as I mentioned previously, I do know exactly what to look for having experience of my children's education from reception through to second year at university. I have always wanted the very best for my children and have duly sent them to schools that have absolutely done that. Schools, not schools and tutors (why? Just why.), that have nurtured and taught my children impeccably, with the oldest two now having left with first class exam results. There is no bloody way I would send my youngest child to a school that has criteria such as those mentioned above - I live in the real world and want my child to as well. That is what we will have and that is what we are building towards. After all, there are only 54 children at the moment, so it's a bit daft to compare with the other state schools nearby.

Frankly, if the minimal few aren't happy, why the hell are they still sending their children there. That is something I do not understand at all. Spaces elsewhere. Taken them.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby mummo » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:48 pm

So, Jibberty, the school is not actively pushing the white British admissions, this is just Esher09's interpretation? His/her post is very misleading then. Someone has just told me Hunter wellies are on the school uniform list. Is this true? If so, says it all.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:18 pm

I think the pupils kind of suggest otherwise, and it is certainly nothing that I have heard. Yes, I think it's a very misleading comment to suggest that promises were made regarding White British children. Actually I think it is a pretty disgusting thing to say and post on here.

The uniform comes from the shop that supplies dozens of schools - it's on Mitcham Road. Wellies are indeed on the list - they do a LOT of going to the common etc. The only ones they happen to sell there are hunters, so that'll be why they're on the school outfitter's list. If people are daft enough to buy them then more fool them. They are NOT compulsory FFS. I got my daughter's pair from Asda because, well, they sell them and, so long as they're black or navy, who gives a damn.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Pud1 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:30 pm

I can't quite believe Esther09's post. I find it predjudice and depressing. To somehow imply that 'White British' children are more worthy is just wrong. R House is a state funded primary school that offers education to all. Of course they can't discriminate ethnicity when organising admissions. Their admissions criteria is similar to other schools. See link:

http://www.rutherfordhouseschool.co.uk/ ... icy_V0.pdf

And to imply that you don't want your child to be in a class with children who have a special need is also shocking and ignorant. Wake up! We live in a multi cultural society. I want children to be educated to mx with all kinds of kids, and not to live in a 'bubble'.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:34 pm

Exactly Snoopy. I'm pretty sure Wandsworth Council won't be sitting there ticking off future pupils because of their race. To suggest that this is what is happening is disgraceful. The ONLY way to get a place at Rutherford House is to apply through Wandsworth Council in EXACTLY the same way one would for ANY other state primary in the borough.

Bubble my fricking arse.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby LauraBrown » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:53 pm

Esther's post is probably the most shocking thing I have ever read on NVN. It is deeply offensive, clearly racist and, assuming it is actually a real person telling the truth, a damning indictment of the intentions of this school. I honestly can't believe it. You know, there is actually nothing wrong with the rest of the schools in our area that are proud to welcome a fantastic, diverse group of children that reflect our local community. I can't believe there is not even a shred of embarrassment in the post or any awareness of how insane the comments sound!! If this is a true reflection of the school, I would be mortified to have me or my children associated with it. Unbelievable.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:57 pm

Laura - it is NOT true, it simply is not the case. I am disgusted by the comments and if there was even an ounce of truth in the post, I'd have removed my child immediately. I will, of course, inform the school of these disgusting comments on Monday morning, along with Pupil Services at Wandsworth Council. I expect both parties would be extremely interested, not to mention utterly aghast, to read such utter bollocks.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:59 pm

Not to mention that a simple look in the two classrooms would show anyone that it is just not true. <back to incensed mode>
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby LauraBrown » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:03 pm

Fair enough Jibberty. Unfortunately, it looks to me like Esther may be projecting her own views onto the school then and assuming everyone else feels the same - she's even offering to talk to the dissatisfied poster so presumably isn't worried about being identified!! All very worrying.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby Jibberty » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:11 pm

Thank you Laura. I suspect you are probably right sadly. Certainly she is assuming something so far off the mark I wish it could be laughable, but it's not. Not the view I would ever wish my daughter to witness. Truly horrendous.
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Re: Experiences of Rutherford House

Postby LauraBrown » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:16 pm

And to be fair, I'm sure there are parents at other local schools who might well feel the same sadly so it probably is unfair for Rutherford House to be singled out with a bad reputation because of one Internet random.
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